Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 9 Number 3 2003
PC030161Salinization of southwestern Western Australian rivers and the implications for the inland fish fauna - the Blackwood River, a case study
David L. Morgan, Dean C. Thorburn and Howard S. Gill
pp. 161-171
PC030172The distribution and habitat characteristics of a threatened lucanid beetle Hoplogonus simsoni in north-east Tasmania
J. M. Meggs, S. A. Munks and R. Corkrey
pp. 172-186
PC030187The vertebrate fauna of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area
Michael M. Driessen and Stephen A. Mallick
pp. 187-206
PC030215Low abundances and diversities of benthic faunas of shallow, coastal sediments in the Solomon Islands and their implications for assessing environmental impacts of logging
D. J. Morrisey, R. G. Cole, J. Bell, I. Lane and G. B. Read
pp. 215-227
PC030228Southern Right Whale Eubalaena australis sightings on the Australian coast and the increasing potential for entanglement
Simon Allen and Lars Bejder
pp. 228-233
PCv9n3_BRHow to Argue with an Economist: Reopening Political Debate in Australia
Graham R. Fulton
pp. 235-235