Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 9 Number 2 2003
PC030086The value of Animal Ethics Committees for wildlife research in conservation biology - an Australian perspective
Susan E. Dyson and Michael C. Calver
pp. 86-94
PC030095Relationships between bird species and characteristics of woodland remnants in central New South Wales
J. A. Seddon, S. V Briggs and S. J. Doyle
pp. 95-119
PC030120Diversity and abundance of pit-trapped reptiles in Australian arid and mesic habitats: Biodiversity for Environmental Impact Assessments
Graham G. Thompson, Scott A. Thompson, Philip C. Withers and Eric R. Pianka
pp. 120-135
PC030136A review of the diet of Rusa Deer Cervus timorensis russa in New Caledonia: Are the endemic plants defenceless against this introduced, eruptive ruminant?
Michel de Garine-Wichatitsky, Patrick Duncan, Alice Labbe, Bernard Suprin, Philippe Chardonnet and Daniel Maillard
pp. 136-143
PC030144Carnivore persistence in fragmented habitats in urban southern California
Lourraine A. Tigas, Dirk H. Van Vuren and Raymond M. Sauvajot
pp. 144-151