Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 7 Number 3 2001
PC010152The conflict between animal welfare and conservation
Graham R. Fulton and Hugh A. Ford
pp. 152-153
PC010154The Pied Currawong's role in avian nest predation: a predator removal experiment
Graham R. Fulton and Hugh A. Ford
pp. 154-160
PC010161Culture, commerce, and international co-operation in the global recovery of Polar Bears
Milton M. R. Freeman
pp. 161-168
PC010185Cattle, mining or fire? The historical causes of recent contractions of open forest in the wet tropics of Queensland through invasion by rainforest
Rosemary Hill, Dermot Smyth, Harry Shipton and Peter Fischer
pp. 185-194
PC010195Abundance and decline of isolated trees in the agricultural landscapes of central New South Wales, Australia
Amanda Ozolins, Cris Brack and David Freudenberger
pp. 195-203
PC010214With Friends Like Bjorn Lomborg, Environmentalists Don't Need Enemies
Clive Hamilton and Hal Turton
pp. 214-217
PC010219Doing Science Design, Analysis and Communication of Scientific Research
Carl Johan Svensson
pp. 219-219