Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 7 Number 1 2001
PC010004A direct comparison of trapping and spotlight searches for capturing Brown Tree Snakes on Guam
R. M. Engeman and D. S. Vice
pp. 4-8
PC010009Seasonal and landscape differencesin the foraging behaviour of the Rufous Treecreeper Climacteris rufa
Gary Luck, Anne Charmantier and Pauline Ezanno
pp. 9-20
PC010021Conservation of wetlands in the Paroo and Warrego River catchments in arid Australia
Richard T. Kingsford, Rachael F. Thomas and Alison L. Curtin
pp. 21-33
PC010034Community characteristics, species diversity and management of middle-mountain moist evergreen broad-leaved forest in the Ailao Mountains, Southwestern China
Wen Yao Liu, John E. D. Fox and Zai Fu Xu
pp. 34-44
PC010045The influence of recent changes in public sector management on biodiversity conservation
Dr Jo Ann Beckwith and Dr Susan A. Moore
pp. 45-54
PC010055The reproductive biology and diet of sea snake bycatch of prawn trawling in northern Australia: characteristics important for assessing the impacts on populations
G. C. Fry, D. A. Milton and T. J. Wassenberg
pp. 55-73