Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 6 Number 1 2000
PC000002Why publication matters in conservation biology
M. C. Calver, M. C. Calver, D. R. King and D. R. King
pp. 2-8
PC000009Artificially enhanced tolerance to fluoroacetate and its implications for wildlife conservation
Laurie E. Twigg, Laurie E. Twigg, Dennis R. King and Dennis R. King
pp. 9-13
PC000014Application of a PCR-based approach to identify sex in Hawaiian honeycreepers (Drepanidinae)
Susan I. Jarvi, Susan I. Jarvi, Paul C. Banko and Paul C. Banko
pp. 14-17
PC000018Effects of variable-intensity logging and the influence of habitat variables on the distribution of the Greater Glider Petauroides volans in montane forest, southeastern New South Wales
Rodney P. Kavanagh and Rodney P. Kavanagh
pp. 18-30
PC000031In defence of small habitat islands: Termites (Isoptera) in the Western Australian central wheatbelt, and the importance of dispersal power in species occurrence
Max Abensperg-Traun and Max Abensperg-Traun
pp. 31-39
PC000040Inadvertent translocation of amphibians in the shipment of agricultural produce into New South Wales: its extent and conservation implications
Terence W O'Dwyer, William A. Buttemer and David M. Priddel
pp. 40-45
PC000046The avifauna of severely fragmented, Buloke Allocasuarina luehmanni woodland in western Victoria, Australia
David M. Watson, I Ralph Mac Nally and Andrew F. Bennett
pp. 46-60
PC000061Thinking honeyeater: nectar maps for the Northern Territory, Australia
John C. Z. Woinarski, Greg Connors and Don C. Franklin
pp. 61-80
PC000081Effects of the coastal brown ant Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius), on the ant fauna of the Perth metropolitan region, Western Australia
J. E. May and B. E. Heterick
pp. 81-85