Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 5 Number 1 1999
PC990002Integrating demographic and genetic studies of the Greater Glider Petauroides volans in fragmented forests: predicting movement patterns and rates for future testing
D. B. Lindenmayer, R. C. Lacy, H. Tyndale-Biscoe, A. C. Taylor, K. L. Viggers and M. L. Pope
pp. 2-8
PC990009Conservation status of New Caledonia palms
J.-C. Pintaud, T. Jaffré and J.-M. Veillon
pp. 9-15
PC990016Effects of habitat and introduced mammalian predators on the breeding success of Yellow-eyed Penguins Megadyptes antipodes, South Island, New Zealand
Hiltrun Ratz and Brian Murphy
pp. 16-27
PC990036Biodiversity and conservation of river macroinvertebrates on an expanding urban fringe: western Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Bruce C. Chessman and Simon A. Williams
pp. 36-55
PC990063Towards scientific contributions in applying the precautionary principle: an example from southwestern Australia
M. C. Calver, J. S. Bradley and I. W. Wright
pp. 63-72
PC990073Gene pool management of hatchery Barramundi Lates calcarifer for production and stock augmentation programmes
Rob Doupé and Harry Recher
pp. 73-75