Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 4 Number 3 1998
PC980185Wilderness and its place in nature conservation in Australia
B. G. Mackey, R. G. Lesslie, D. B. Lindenmayer and H. A. Nix
pp. 182-185
PC980186Determining the distribution of Koala habitat across a shire as a basis for conservation: a case study from Port Stephens, New South Wales
Daniel Lunney, Stephen Phillips, John Callaghan and Dionne Coburn
pp. 186-196
PC980197The effects of fire on a population of Red-winged Fairy-wrens Malurus elegans in Karri forest in southwestern Australia
E. Russell and I. Rowley
pp. 197-208
PC980215An estimate of the Plumed Frogmouth Podargus ocellatus plumiferus population size in the Conondale Ranges
Geoffrey C. Smith, Benjamin J. Hamley and Nadya Lees
pp. 215-226
PC980227Determination of the presence of Mycobacterium avium on Guam as a precursor to reintroduction of indigenous bird species
Ilse Silva-Krott, M. Kelly Brock and Randall E. Junge
pp. 227-231
PC980240Carabid Beetle and vegetation associations in the Tasmanian Eastern Tiers: implications for conservation
Karyl Michaels and Louise Mendel
pp. 240-249
PC980250The Big-headed Ant Pheidole megacephala: a new threat to monsoonal northwestern Australia
Benjamin D. Hoffmann
pp. 250-255
PC980256Effectiveness of the detector dogs used for deterring the dispersal of Brown Tree Snakes
Richard M. Engeman, Daniel S. Vice, Danny V. Rodriguez, Kenneth S. Gruver, William S. Santos and Mikel E. Pitzler
pp. 256-260
PC980261Twenty-eight years of monitoring a breeding population of Carnaby's Cockatoo
Denis A. Saunders and John A. Ingram
pp. 261-270