Pacific Conservation Biology
Volume 2 Number 3 1995
PC960206Towards a national bat research strategy for Australia: pointers arising from a survey of participants at the Sixth Australian Bat Conference in January 1994
D. Lunney, B. Law and P. Baverstock
pp. 206-211
PC960212An ecological approach to identifying the endangered fauna of New South Wales
D. Lunney, A. Curtin, D. Ayers, H. G. Cogger and C. R. Dickman
pp. 212-231
PC960244Impact of fire on invertebrate communities in mallee-heath shrublands of southwestern Australia
G. R. Friend and M. R. Williams
pp. 244-267
PC960268The relative conservation value of remnant patches of native vegetation in the wheatbelt of Western Australia: I. Plant diversity
M. G. Brooker and C. R. Margules
pp. 268-278
PC960279The influence of plant diversity on the resilience of harvester termites to fire
Max Abensperg-Traun, Dion Steven and Lyn Atkins
pp. 279-285
PC960293Protasparagus densiflorus: an environmental weed of coastal vegetation reserves
D. Bowden and R. W. Rogers
pp. 293-298
PC960299The conservation and ecology of rainforest pigeons in northeastern New South Wales
E. M. Date, H. F. Recher, H. A. Ford and D. A. Stewart
pp. 299-308