The aquatic plant communities of the Pilbara region of Western Australia: a region of arid zone wetland diversity
Michael N. Lyons
Decision making in conservation depends on robust biodiversity data. Well-designed systematic and rigorous surveys provide consistent and taxonomically broad datasets needed for conservation planning. This is important in areas such as the Pilbara of Western Australia with extensive mining and pastoralism. The collection of biodiversity data for aquatic plants represents a major contribution to assist in conservation planning and management of the region’s wetlands and rivers.
We documented the diversity and major patterns in the aquatic flora of Pilbara wetlands and rivers, to provide data to inform conservation planning and manage impacts of major land uses such as mining and pastoralism.
We undertook a systematic quadrat-based survey of the aquatic flora of 98 Pilbara wetlands and rivers. The full range of wetland types was sampled. Composition of charophytes and vascular aquatic plant communities were analysed against wetland permanence and water body type.
A diverse aquatic flora with several novel taxa was discovered. Charophytes were a major component of the aquatic flora. Floristic composition was strongly related to wetland type and water permanence with permanent sites showing higher richness. Less permanent sites captured a distinct component of the Pilbara aquatic flora.
The aquatic flora of the Pilbara represents a significant component of the region’s biodiversity. Patterning was concordant with previous studies of the riparian plant communities and aquatic invertebrates of the region providing synergies in reserve system design and management efforts.
High quality spatial biodiversity data particularly for poorly surveyed regions or biotic groups can provide major insights critical for effective conservation planning and management.
Keywords: aquatic plants, arid zone, biodiversity survey, charophytes, claypans, conservation planning, Pilbara, river pools, Western Australia, wetlands.
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