Hostile environments, terminal habitat, and tomb trees: the impact of systemic failures to survey for mature-forest dependent species in the State forests of New South Wales
Grant W. Wardell-Johnson

The Coastal Integrated Forestry Approval (CIFOA) areas of New South Wales (NSW), Australia include most populations of at least two threatened species of glider Petaurus australis australis (Yellow-bellied Glider [south-eastern]) and Petauroides volans (Greater Glider [Southern and Central]). The NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) administers protocols to conserve gliders within forest compartments intensively managed for timber production by Forests Corporation NSW (FCNSW). These protocols include pre-logging surveys and retention of hollow-bearing trees (HBTs), den trees, and associated buffers. Citizen scientists have ground-truthed these protocols in some compartments.
We assessed the effectiveness of surveys by FCNSW and associated outcomes in the context of planned logging operations.
We used the publicly available EPA Native Forestry map viewer data for this analysis.
Although gliders have been detected and abundant HBTs retained in 10 State forests, no den trees were identified by FCNSW in any ‘active’ compartment (as at December 2023). Thus, isolated HBTs or tomb trees were retained without associated buffers. Several phases of EPA protocols have not improved the outcomes for glider conservation within logged compartments, even when complied with by FCNSW.
Based on the FCNSW data and on citizen science, surveys implemented by FCNSW under CIFOA protocols result in poor outcomes for gliders and other mature forest dependent species. Wholesale changes in process are likely required for effective conservation.
New approaches in monitoring and research commitment, administration, and oversight are likely required to halt the increasingly rapid decline of threatened gliders, as well as local forest communities in the State forests of NSW.
Keywords: Coastal Integrated Forestry Approval, den trees, hollow-bearing trees, industrial-scale logging, mature-forest dependent species, pre-logging surveys, reliability, validity.
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