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Pacific Conservation Biology Pacific Conservation Biology Society
A journal dedicated to conservation and wildlife management in the Pacific region.

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Colonizing Cane Toads cause population declines in native predators: reliable anecdotal information and management implications

Scott Burnett
3(1) pp.65 - 72

117 articles found in Crossref database.

Dasyurus maculatus
Jones Menna E., Rose Robert K., Burnett Scott
Mammalian Species. 2001 676 p.1
Bait preference for remote camera trap studies of the endangered northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus)
Austin Caitlin, Tuft Katherine, Ramp Daniel, Cremona Teigan, Webb Jonathan K.
Australian Mammalogy. 2017 39(1). p.72
Assessing the Potential Impact of Cane Toads on Australian Snakes
Conservation Biology. 2003 17(6). p.1738
Breeding-site selection by cane toads (Bufo marinus) and native frogs in northern New South Wales, Australia
Semeniuk M., Lemckert F., Shine R.
Wildlife Research. 2007 34(1). p.59
Rhabdias pseudosphaerocephalainfection inBufo marinus: lung nematodes reduce viability of metamorph cane toads
Parasitology. 2009 136(8). p.919
Predicting the ecological impact of cane toads (Bufo marinus) on threatened camaenid land snails in north-western Australia
Pearson David, Greenlees Matthew, Ward-Fear Georgia, Shine Richard
Wildlife Research. 2009 36(6). p.533
Invader impact clarifies the roles of top‐down and bottom‐up effects on tropical snake populations
Brown Gregory P., Ujvari Beata, Madsen Thomas, Shine Richard, Harwood James
Functional Ecology. 2013 27(2). p.351
Highly promiscuous paternity in mainland and island populations of the endangered Northern Quoll
Chan R., Dunlop J., Spencer P. B. S.
Journal of Zoology. 2020 310(3). p.210
High mortality and small population size prevent population recovery of a reintroduced mesopredator
Cremona T., Crowther M. S., Webb J. K.
Animal Conservation. 2017 20(6). p.555
Learning, evolvability and exploratory behaviour: extending the evolutionary reach of learning
Brown Rachael L.
Biology & Philosophy. 2013 28(6). p.933
Do the numbers and locations of road-killed anuran carcasses accurately reflect impacts of vehicular traffic?
Beckmann Christa, Shine Richard
The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2015 79(1). p.92
Origin of the parasites of an invading species, the Australian cane toad (Bufo marinus): are the lungworms Australian or American?
Molecular Ecology. 2008 17(20). p.4418
Research priorities for the northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) in the Pilbara region of Western Australia
Cramer Viki A., Dunlop Judy, Davis Rob, Ellis Ryan, Barnett Belinda, Cook Annette, Morris Keith, van Leeuwen Stephen
Australian Mammalogy. 2016 38(2). p.135
Viral Discovery in the Invasive Australian Cane Toad (Rhinella marina) Using Metatranscriptomic and Genomic Approaches
Russo Alice G., Eden John-Sebastian, Enosi Tuipulotu Daniel, Shi Mang, Selechnik Daniel, Shine Richard, Rollins Lee Ann, Holmes Edward C., White Peter A., Pfeiffer Julie K.
Journal of Virology. 2018 92(17).
Evaluating the effects of the invasive cane toad (
Harvey Jeffrey A., Ambavane Priyanka, Williamson Mark, Diesmos Arvin
Pacific Conservation Biology. 2021 28(3). p.199
A native dasyurid predator (common planigale, Planigale maculata) rapidly learns to avoid a toxic invader
Austral Ecology. 2008 33(7). p.821
Impacts of eggs and tadpoles of the invasive cane toad (Bufo marinus) on aquatic predators in tropical Australia
Austral Ecology. 2011 36(1). p.53
Recent invasions of World Heritage rainforests in north-east New South Wales by the cane toadBufo marinus
Newell David
Australian Zoologist. 2011 35(3). p.876
Conservation of quolls (Dasyurus spp.) in captivity – a review
Old Julie M., Stannard Hayley J.
Australian Mammalogy. 2021 43(3). p.277
Vulnerability of an Australian anuran tadpole assemblage to the toxic eggs of the invasive cane toad (Bufo marinus)
Austral Ecology. 2010 35(2). p.197
Behaviour and survivorship of a dasyurid predator (Antechinus flavipes) in response to encounters with the toxic and invasive cane toad (Rhinella marina)
Kämper Wiebke, Webb Jonathan K., Crowther Mathew S., Greenlees Matthew J., Shine Richard
Australian Mammalogy. 2013 35(2). p.136
More famine than feast: pattern and variation in a potentially degenerating mammal fauna on Cape York Peninsula
Perry Justin J., Vanderduys Eric P., Kutt Alex S.
Wildlife Research. 2015 42(6). p.475
Spatial and temporal variation in the morphology (and thus, predicted impact) of an invasive species in Australia
L. Phillips Ben, Shine Richard
Ecography. 2006 29(2). p.205
The Ecological Impact of Invasive Cane Toads (Bufo Marinus) in Australia
Shine Richard
The Quarterly Review of Biology. 2010 85(3). p.253
Predation on invasive cane toads (Rhinella marina) by native Australian rodents
Cabrera-Guzmán Elisa, Crossland Michael R., Pearson David, Webb Jonathan K., Shine Richard
Journal of Pest Science. 2015 88(1). p.143
Demography and spatial requirements of the endangered northern quoll on Groote Eylandt
Heiniger Jaime, Cameron Skye F., Madsen Thomas, Niehaus Amanda C., Wilson Robbie S.
Wildlife Research. 2020 47(3). p.224
A different fauna?: captures of vertebrates in a pipeline trench, compared with conventional survey techniques; and a consideration of mortality patterns in a pipeline trench
Woinarski J.C.Z., Armstrong M., Brennan K., Connors G., Milne D., McKenzie G., Edwards K.
Australian Zoologist. 2000 31(3). p.421
Australian tadpoles do not avoid chemical cues from invasive cane toads (Bufo marinus)
Hagman Mattias, Shine Richard
Wildlife Research. 2008 35(1). p.59
Factors Influencing Responses to Alarm Pheromone by Larvae of Invasive Cane Toads, Bufo marinus
Hagman Mattias, Shine Richard
Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2009 35(2). p.265
Current and future threats from non-indigenous animal species in northern Australia: a spotlight on World Heritage Area Kakadu National Park
Bradshaw Corey J. A., Field Iain C., Bowman David M. J. S., Haynes Chris, Brook Barry W.
Wildlife Research. 2007 34(6). p.419
What factors affect the density of cane toads (Rhinella marina) in the Solomon Islands?
Pikacha Patrick, Lavery Tyrone, Leung Luke K.-P.
Pacific Conservation Biology. 2015 21(3). p.200
An invasive species imposes selection on life-history traits of a native frog
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2010 100(2). p.329
Indirect impacts of invasive cane toads (Bufo marinus) on nest predation in pig-nosed turtles (Carettochelys insculpta)
Doody J. S., Green B., Sims R., Rhind D., West P., Steer D.
Wildlife Research. 2006 33(5). p.349
Small-mammal species richness and abundance along a tropical altitudinal gradient: an Australian example
Bateman Brooke L., Kutt Alex S., Vanderduys Eric P., Kemp Jeanette E.
Journal of Tropical Ecology. 2010 26(2). p.139
Boone Michelle D., Semlitsch Raymond D.
Ecological Applications. 2002 12(1). p.307
Does intraspecific niche partitioning in a native predator influence its response to an invasion by a toxic prey species?
Austral Ecology. 2005 30(2). p.201
Effect of Rhabdias pseudosphaerocephala on prey consumption of free-ranging cane toads (Rhinella marina) during Australian tropical wet seasons
Heise-Pavlov Sigrid R., Paleologo Karena, Glenny William
Journal of Pest Science. 2014 87(1). p.89
Central American Biodiversity (2015)
Spangler Mark
Introduced cane toads Bufo marinus are active nest predators and competitors of rainbow bee-eaters Merops ornatus: observational and experimental evidence
Boland C.R.J
Biological Conservation. 2004 120(1). p.53
Feral pig predation threatens the indigenous harvest and local persistence of snake-necked turtles in northern Australia
Fordham Damien, Georges Arthur, Corey Ben, Brook Barry W.
Biological Conservation. 2006 133(3). p.379
Queensland northern quolls are not immune to cane toad toxin
Ujvari Beata, Oakwood Meri, Madsen Thomas
Wildlife Research. 2013 40(3). p.228
Habitat structure facilitates coexistence of native and invasive mesopredators in an Australian tropical savanna
Trewella Gavin J., Cremona Teigan, Nevard Harry, Murphy Brett P., Caley Peter
Wildlife Research. 2023 50(12). p.1058
A check list and population trends of invasive amphibians and reptiles in Taiwan
Lee Ko-Huan, Chen Tien-Hsi, Shang Gaus, Clulow Simon, Yang Yi-Ju, Lin Si-Min
ZooKeys. 2019 829 p.85
Invasive Cane Toads as Prey for Native Arthropod Predators in Tropical Australia
Cabrera-Guzmán Elisa, Crossland Michael R., Shine Richard
Herpetological Monographs. 2015 29(1). p.28
Recent Records of Alien Anurans on the Pacific Island of Guam
Christy Michelle T., Clark Craig S., Gee David E., Vice Diane, Vice Daniel S., Warner Mitchell P., Tyrrell Claudine L., Rodda Gordon H., Savidge Julie A.
Pacific Science. 2007 61(4). p.469
Passive and active defense in toads: The parotoid macroglands inRhinella marinaandRhaebo guttatus
Mailho-Fontana Pedro L., Antoniazzi Marta M., Toledo Luís F., Verdade Vanessa K., Sciani Juliana M., Barbaro Katia C., Pimenta Daniel C., Rodrigues Miguel T., Jared Carlos
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology. 2014 321(2). p.65
Invasion Genetics (2016)
Rollins Lee A., Richardson Mark F., Shine Richard
Avoiding the last supper: parentage analysis indicates multi-generational survival of re-introduced ‘toad-smart’ lineage
Cremona Teigan, Spencer Peter, Shine Richard, Webb Jonathan K.
Conservation Genetics. 2017 18(6). p.1475
Effects of founder events on the genetic variation of translocated island populations: implications for conservation management of the northern quoll
Cardoso Maria J., Eldridge Mark D. B., Oakwood Meri, Rankmore Brooke, Sherwin William B., Firestone Karen B.
Conservation Genetics. 2009 10(6). p.1719
Pest or Guest (2007)
White Arthur W.
Do invasive cane toads (Chaunus marinus) compete with Australian frogs (Cyclorana australis)?
Austral Ecology. 2007 32(8). p.900
Three synthetic biology applications and their paths to impact in Australia: Cane toads, bacteriophages, and biomining microbes
Carter Lucy, Mankad Aditi, Hobman Elizabeth V., Weynberg Karen D., Kaksonen Anna H., Cooper Caitlin
Biotechnology Journal. 2022 17(9).
The mammal fauna of the Sir Edward Pellew island group, Northern Territory, Australia: refuge and death-trap
Woinarski J. C. Z., Ward S., Mahney T., Bradley J., Brennan K., Ziembicki M., Fisher A.
Wildlife Research. 2011 38(4). p.307
The Impact of Invasive Toads (Bufonidae) on Monitor Lizards (Varanidae): An Overview and Prospectus
Pettit Lachlan, Somaweera Ruchira, Kaiser Shannon, Ward-Fear Georgia, Shine Richard
The Quarterly Review of Biology. 2021 96(2). p.105
Indirect ecological impacts of an invasive toad on predator–prey interactions among native species
Nelson David W. M., Crossland Michael R., Shine Richard
Biological Invasions. 2010 12(9). p.3363
Invasive anuran driven trophic cascade: An alternative hypothesis for recent critical weight range mammal collapses across northern Australia
Radford Ian J., Woolley Leigh-Ann, Dickman Chris R., Corey Ben, Trembath Dane, Fairman Richard
Biological Invasions. 2020 22(6). p.1967
A brief history of the northern quoll (
Moore Harry A., Dunlop Judy A., Jolly Chris J., Kelly Ella, Woinarski John C. Z., Ritchie Euan G., Burnett Scott, van Leeuwen Stephen, Valentine Leonie E., Cowan Mitchell A., Nimmo Dale G.
Australian Mammalogy. 2021 44(2). p.185
Ontogenetic Variation in the Chemical Defenses of Cane Toads (Bufo marinus): Toxin Profiles and Effects on Predators
Hayes R. Andrew, Crossland Michael R., Hagman Mattias, Capon Robert J., Shine Richard
Journal of Chemical Ecology. 2009 35(4). p.391
Demographic evaluation of translocating the threatened northern quoll to two Australian islands
Griffiths Anthony D., Rankmore Brooke, Brennan Kym, Woinarski John C. Z.
Wildlife Research. 2017 44(3). p.238
Conditioned taste aversion enhances the survival of an endangered predator imperilled by a toxic invader
O’Donnell Stephanie, Webb Jonathan K., Shine Richard
Journal of Applied Ecology. 2010 47(3). p.558
Invasive cane toads (Bufo marinus) cause mass mortality of freshwater crocodiles (Crocodylus johnstoni) in tropical Australia
Letnic Mike, Webb Jonathan K., Shine Richard
Biological Conservation. 2008 141(7). p.1773
Conservation prioritisation of genomic diversity to inform management of a declining mammal species
von Takach Brenton, Cameron Skye F., Cremona Teigan, Eldridge Mark D.B., Fisher Diana O., Hohnen Rosemary, Jolly Chris J., Kelly Ella, Phillips Ben L., Radford Ian J., Rick Kate, Spencer Peter B.S., Trewella Gavin J., Umbrello Linette S., Banks Sam C.
Biological Conservation. 2024 291 p.110467
Declines in the mammal assemblage of a rugged sandstone environment in Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia
Ibbett M., Woinarski J. C. Z., Oakwood M.
Australian Mammalogy. 2018 40(2). p.181
Population genomics of a predatory mammal reveals patterns of decline and impacts of exposure to toxic toads
von Takach Brenton, Ranjard Louis, Burridge Christopher P., Cameron Skye F., Cremona Teigan, Eldridge Mark D. B., Fisher Diana O., Frankenberg Stephen, Hill Brydie M., Hohnen Rosemary, Jolly Chris J., Kelly Ella, MacDonald Anna J., Moussalli Adnan, Ottewell Kym, Phillips Ben L., Radford Ian J., Spencer Peter B. S., Trewella Gavin J., Umbrello Linette S., Banks Sam C.
Molecular Ecology. 2022 31(21). p.5468
Ontogenetic shifts in a prey’s chemical defences influence feeding responses of a snake predator
Llewelyn John, Bell Kris, Schwarzkopf Lin, Alford Ross A., Shine Richard
Oecologia. 2012 169(4). p.965
After the crash: How do predators adjust following the invasion of a novel toxic prey type?
Llewelyn John, Schwarzkopf Lin, Phillips Benjamin L., Shine Richard
Austral Ecology. 2014 39(2). p.190
Cane toads reduce the abundance and site occupancy of Merten's water monitor (Varanus mertensi)
Griffiths Anthony D., McKay J. Lindley
Wildlife Research. 2007 34(8). p.609
Acoustic attractants enhance trapping success for cane toads
Schwarzkopf L., Alford R. A.
Wildlife Research. 2007 34(5). p.366
Spawning site selection by feral cane toads (Bufo marinus) at an invasion front in tropical Australia
Austral Ecology. 2006 31(5). p.551
Conservation of Australia's Forest Fauna (2004)
Belcher Chris
Training fails to elicit behavioral change in a marsupial suffering evolutionary loss of antipredator behaviors
Jolly Chris J, Webb Jonathan K, Gillespie Graeme R, Phillips Ben L, Pavey Chris
Journal of Mammalogy. 2020 101(4). p.1108
Toxicity Effects of Toad (Rhinella jimiStevaux, 2002) Venom in Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)
Gadelha Ivana Cristina Nunes, Lima Joseney Maia de, Batista Jael Soares, Melo Marilia Martins, Soto-Blanco Benito
The Scientific World Journal. 2014 2014 p.1
Toad’s tongue for breakfast: exploitation of a novel prey type, the invasive cane toad, by scavenging raptors in tropical Australia
Beckmann Christa, Shine Richard
Biological Invasions. 2011 13(6). p.1447
Biological Invasions and Animal Behaviour (2016)
Albins Mark A.
Adjusting to a toxic invader: native Australian frogs learn not to prey on cane toads
Greenlees Matthew J., Phillips Benjamin L., Shine Richard
Behavioral Ecology. 2010 21(5). p.966
Indirect facilitation of a native mesopredator by an invasive species: are cane toads re-shaping tropical riparian communities?
Doody J. Sean, Castellano Christina M., Rhind David, Green Brian
Biological Invasions. 2013 15(3). p.559
The impact of invasive cane toads on native wildlife in southern Australia
Jolly Christopher J., Shine Richard, Greenlees Matthew J.
Ecology and Evolution. 2015 5(18). p.3879
School for Skinks: Can Conditioned Taste Aversion Enable Bluetongue Lizards (Tiliqua scincoides) to Avoid Toxic Cane Toads (Rhinella marina) as Prey?
Price-Rees Samantha J., Webb Jonathan K., Shine Richard
Ethology. 2011 117(9). p.749
Vertebrate fauna survey of White Mountains National Park in the Desert Uplands Bioregion, central-north Queensland
Kutt A.S., Kemp J.E., McDonald K.R., Williams Y., Williams S.E., Hines H.B., Hero J-M., Torr G.
Australian Zoologist. 2005 33(1). p.17
Effects of invasive cane toads on Australian mosquitoes: Does the dark cloud have a silver lining?
Hagman Mattias, Shine Richard
Biological Invasions. 2007 9(4). p.445
Predation on toxic cane toads (Bufo marinus) may imperil bluetongue lizards (Tiliqua scincoides intermedia, Scincidae) in tropical Australia
Price-Rees Samantha J., Brown Gregory P., Shine Richard
Wildlife Research. 2010 37(2). p.166
A single mini-barcode test to screen for Australian mammalian predators from environmental samples
Modave Elodie, MacDonald Anna J, Sarre Stephen D
GigaScience. 2017 6(8).
Gaps in Monitoring Leave Northern Australian Mammal Fauna with Uncertain Futures
Preece Noel, Fitzsimons James
Diversity. 2022 14(3). p.158
Modern approaches for the biological control of vertebrate pests: An Australian perspective
Saunders Glen, Cooke Brian, McColl Ken, Shine Richard, Peacock Tony
Biological Control. 2010 52(3). p.288
Patterns of niche contraction identify vital refuge areas for declining mammals
von Takach Brenton, Scheele Ben C., Moore Harry, Murphy Brett P., Banks Sam C., Benítez López Ana
Diversity and Distributions. 2020 26(11). p.1467
Teacher toads: Buffering apex predators from toxic invaders in a remote tropical landscape
Ward‐Fear Georgia, Rangers Bunuba, Bruny Miles, Everitt Corrin, Shine Richard
Conservation Letters. 2024 17(3).
Interactions Between Infective Helminth Larvae and Their Anuran Hosts
Kelehear Crystal, Webb Jonathan K., Hagman Mattias, Shine Richard
Herpetologica. 2011 67(4). p.378
Phylogeographical population structure of tiger quolls Dasyurus maculatus (Dasyuridae: Marsupialia), an endangered carnivorous marsupial
Firestone K. B., Elphinstone M. S., Sherwin W. B., Houlden B. A.
Molecular Ecology. 1999 8(10). p.1613
How many of Australia's ground-nesting birds are likely to be at risk from the invasive Cane Toad (Rhinella marina)?
Beckmann Christa, Shine Richard
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2012 112(2). p.83
Predicting global climatic suitability for the four most invasive anuran species using ecological niche factor analysis
Andersen Desiree, Borzée Amaël, Jang Yikweon
Global Ecology and Conservation. 2021 25 p.e01433
Zoo Animal Learning and Training (2020)
Webb Jonathan
A genetic perspective on rapid evolution in cane toads (Rhinella marina)
Rollins Lee A., Richardson Mark F., Shine Richard
Molecular Ecology. 2015 24(9). p.2264
In Search of Quolls: Knowledge Making and Entanglement in Zoological Fieldwork
Leenders Xavier
Ethnos. 2018 83(5). p.930
Northern quoll persistence is most sensitive to survivorship of juveniles
Moro Dorian, Dunlop Judy, Williams Matthew R.
Wildlife Research. 2019 46(2). p.165
Comparative dietary ecology of turtles (Chelodina burrungandjii and Emydura victoriae) across the Kimberley Plateau, Western Australia, prior to the arrival of cane toads
FitzSimmons N. N., Featherston P., Tucker A. D.
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2016 67(11). p.1611
Impact of Invasive Cane Toads on Australian Birds
Conservation Biology. 2009 23(6). p.1544
Native and exotic nest predators of Alwal (Golden-shouldered parrot Psephotellus chrysopterygius) on Olkola Country, Cape York Peninsula, Australia
Collingwood Teghan D., Watson James E. M., Kearney Stephen, Brown Allana, Ross Ashaley, Kulka Glen, Kulka Hamish, Kulka Karla, Royee Francis, Ross Brendan, Mahney Terry, Huett Katy, Kutt Alex S.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2020 120(2). p.168
Long‐term monitoring reveals declines in an endemic predator following invasion by an exotic prey species
Fukuda Y., Tingley R., Crase B., Webb G., Saalfeld K.
Animal Conservation. 2016 19(1). p.75
Not such silly sausages: Evidence suggests northern quolls exhibit aversion to toads after training with toad sausages
Indigo Naomi, Smith James, Webb Jonathan K., Phillips Ben
Austral Ecology. 2018 43(5). p.592
Behavioural responses of carnivorous marsupials (Planigale maculata) to toxic invasive cane toads (Bufo marinus)
Austral Ecology. 2010 35(5). p.560
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Behavioural responses of native predators to an invasive toxic prey species
Austral Ecology. 2011 36(6). p.605
Get smart: native mammal develops toad-smart behavior in response to a toxic invader
Kelly Ella, Phillips Ben L.
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Body size and growth in tropical small mammals: examining variation using non‐linear mixed effects models
Griffiths A. D., Brook B. W.
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Conservation of Australia's Forest Fauna (2004)
Burnett Scott, Marsh Helene
Can conditioned taste aversion be deployed at a landscape level to mitigate the impact of invasive cane toads on northern quolls?
Indigo Naomi L., Kelly Ella, Smith James, Webb Jonathan K., Phillips Ben L., Schulte-Hostedde Albrecht
Wildlife Research. 2023 50(12). p.1046
Microbial biotransformation as a source of chemical diversity in cane toad steroid toxins
Hayes R. Andrew, Piggott Andrew M., Dalle Kristian, Capon Robert J.
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 2009 19(6). p.1790
The morphology, and hence impact, of an invasive species (the cane toad, Bufo marinus): changes with time since colonisation
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Responses of Australian wading birds to a novel toxic prey type, the invasive cane toad Rhinella marina
Beckmann Christa, Crossland Michael R., Shine Richard
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Camera trapping ekes out some improvement for surveying sparse mammal populations in northern Queensland
Kutt A. S., Waller N. L., Colman N. J., Perry J. J., Starr C. R., Goldingay Ross
Australian Mammalogy. 2023 45(3). p.293
Species‐specific communication systems in an introduced toad compared with native frogs in Australia
Hagman Mattias, Shine Richard
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2009 19(6). p.724
Topographic ruggedness and rainfall mediate geographic range contraction of a threatened marsupial predator
Moore Harry A., Dunlop Judy A., Valentine Leonie E., Woinarski John C. Z., Ritchie Euan G., Watson David M., Nimmo Dale G., Santini Luca
Diversity and Distributions. 2019 25(12). p.1818
Tadpoles of invasive cane toads (Bufo marinus) do not respond behaviourally to chemical cues from tadpoles of four species of Australian frogs
Hagman Mattias, Shine Richard
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Austral Ark (2014)
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The power of myth: the (non) impact of invasive cane toads (Bufo marinus) on domestic chickens (Gallus gallus)
Beckmann Christa, Shine Richard
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Foraging responses of predators to novel toxic prey: effects of predator learning and relative prey abundance
Nelson David W. M., Crossland Michael R., Shine Richard
Oikos. 2011 120(1). p.152
Identifying knowledge gaps for gene drive research to control invasive animal species: The next CRISPR step
Moro Dorian, Byrne Margaret, Kennedy Malcolm, Campbell Susan, Tizard Mark
Global Ecology and Conservation. 2018 13 p.e00363

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