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Pacific Conservation Biology Pacific Conservation Biology Society
A journal dedicated to conservation and wildlife management in the Pacific region.

Articles citing this paper

The North West Cape, Western Australia: A Potential Hotspot for Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphins Sousa chinensis?

Alex Brown, Lars Bejder, Daniele Cagnazzi, Guido J Parra and Simon J Allen
18(4) pp.240 - 246

24 articles found in Crossref database.

Multiple social benefits drive the formation of mixed-species groups of Australian humpback and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins
Syme Jonathan, Kiszka Jeremy J., Parra Guido J.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 2023 77(4).
Humpback Dolphins (Sousa spp.): Current Status and Conservation, Part 2 (2016)
Hanf Daniella M., Hunt Tim, Parra Guido J.
Using Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles to estimate availability and group size error for aerial surveys of coastal dolphins
Brown Alexander M., Allen Simon J., Kelly Nat, Hodgson Amanda J., Pettorelli Nathalie, Quick Nicola
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. 2023 9(3). p.340
Behavioural variation facilitates coexistence and explains the functions of mixed-species groups of sympatric delphinids
Syme Jonathan, Kiszka Jeremy J., Parra Guido J.
Animal Behaviour. 2024 210 p.395
Taxonomic revision of the humpback dolphins (Sousa spp.), and description of a new species from Australia
Jefferson Thomas A., Rosenbaum Howard C.
Marine Mammal Science. 2014 30(4). p.1494
Photo-identification and habitat use of Atlantic humpback dolphinsSousa teusziiaround the Río Nuñez Estuary in Guinea, West Africa
Weir CR
African Journal of Marine Science. 2015 37(3). p.325
Humpback Dolphins (Sousa spp.): Current Status and Conservation, Part 1 (2015)
Piwetz Sarah, Lundquist David, Würsig Bernd
Habitat partitioning, co-occurrence patterns, and mixed-species group formation in sympatric delphinids
Syme Jonathan, Kiszka Jeremy J., Parra Guido J.
Scientific Reports. 2023 13(1).
The world's second largest population of humpback dolphins in the waters of Zhanjiang deserves the highest conservation priority
Xu Xinrong, Song Jinyuan, Zhang Zhenhua, Li Peng, Yang Guang, Zhou Kaiya
Scientific Reports. 2015 5(1).
Coastal dolphins and marine megafauna in Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia: informing conservation management actions in an area under increasing human pressure
Sprogis Kate R., Parra Guido J., Robinson Natasha
Wildlife Research. 2022 50(6). p.435
First live sighting of an Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) in the Yellow Sea, the northern-most record of the species range
Lin Wenzhi, Wu Lan, Zeng Qianhui, Leng Xiaoyu, Mo Yaqian, Serres Agathe, Li Songhai
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 2022 102(5). p.333
Humpback Dolphins (Sousa spp.): Current Status and Conservation, Part 2 (2016)
Brown Alexander M., Bejder Lars, Parra Guido J., Cagnazzi Daniele, Hunt Tim, Smith Jennifer L., Allen Simon J.
Identifying priority habitat for conservation and management of Australian humpback dolphins within a marine protected area
Hunt Tim N., Allen Simon J., Bejder Lars, Parra Guido J.
Scientific Reports. 2020 10(1).
Echolocation click source parameters of Australian snubfin dolphins (Orcaella heinsohni)
de Freitas Mafalda, Smith Joshua N., Jensen Frants H., Beedholm Kristian, Madsen Peter T.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2018 143(4). p.2564
Quantifying shark depredation in a recreational fishery in the Ningaloo Marine Park and Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia
Mitchell JD, McLean DL, Collin SP, Taylor S, Jackson G, Fisher R, Langlois TJ
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2018 587 p.141
Demographic characteristics of Australian humpback dolphins reveal important habitat toward the southwestern limit of their range
Hunt TN, Bejder L, Allen SJ, Rankin RW, Hanf D, Parra GJ
Endangered Species Research. 2017 32 p.71
Social dynamics and sexual segregation of Australian humpback dolphins (Sousa sahulensis) in Moreton Bay, Queensland
Hawkins Elizabeth R., Pogson‐Manning Lara, Jaehnichen Christian, Meager Justin J.
Marine Mammal Science. 2020 36(2). p.500
How many dolphins live near a coastal development?
Raudino Holly C., Douglas Corrine R., Waples Kelly A.
Regional Studies in Marine Science. 2018 19 p.25
Assortative interactions revealed in a fission–fusion society of Australian humpback dolphins
Hunt Tim N, Allen Simon J, Bejder Lars, Parra Guido J
Behavioral Ecology. 2019 30(4). p.914
Evidence of resident coastal population(s) of false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens) in northern Australian waters
Palmer Carol, Martien Karen K., Raudino Holly, Robertson Kelly M., Withers Alan, Withers Emma, Risk Robert, Cooper Dylan, D’Cruz Ellen, Jungine Edmund, Barrow Daniel, Cuff Nick, Lane Adrian, Keynes Daniel, Waples Kelly, Malpartida Allyson, Banks Sam
Frontiers in Marine Science. 2023 9
Aerial abundance estimates for two sympatric dolphin species at a regional scale using distance sampling and density surface modeling
Raudino Holly C., Bouchet Phil J., Douglas Corrine, Douglas Ryan, Waples Kelly
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2023 10
Photographic Capture-Recapture Analysis Reveals a Large Population of Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) With Low Site Fidelity off the North West Cape, Western Australia
Haughey Rebecca, Hunt Tim, Hanf Daniella, Rankin Robert William, Parra Guido J.
Frontiers in Marine Science. 2020 6
Dolphin Distribution and Habitat Suitability in North Western Australia: Applications and Implications of a Broad-Scale, Non-targeted Dataset
Hanf Daniella, Hodgson Amanda Jane, Kobryn Halina, Bejder Lars, Smith Joshua Nathan
Frontiers in Marine Science. 2022 8
Evidence of male alliance formation in a small dolphin community
Chabanne Delphine B. H., Krützen Michael, Finn Hugh, Allen Simon J.
Mammalian Biology. 2022 102(4). p.1285

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