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Pacific Conservation Biology Pacific Conservation Biology Society
A journal dedicated to conservation and wildlife management in the Pacific region.

Articles citing this paper

Impacts of tourism on threatened species in the Pacific region: a review.

Clare Morrison
18(4) pp.227 - 238

20 articles found in Crossref database.

Toward a better guard of coastal water safety—Microbial distribution in coastal water and their facile detection
Xie Yunxuan, Qiu Ning, Wang Guangyi
Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2017 118(1-2). p.5
Tourism partnerships: localizing the SDG agenda in Fiji
Movono Apisalome, Hughes Emma
Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 2022 30(10). p.2318
Local and expert knowledge improve conservation assessment of rare and iconic Fijian tree species
Keppel Gunnar, Naikatini Alifereti, Rounds Isaac A., Pressey Robert L., Thomas Nunia T.
Pacific Conservation Biology. 2015 21(3). p.214
High endemism and stem density distinguish New Caledonian from other high-diversity rainforests in the Southwest Pacific
Ibanez Thomas, Blanchard E, Hequet V, Keppel G, Laidlaw M, Pouteau R, Vandrot H, Birnbaum P
Annals of Botany. 2018 121(1). p.25
Building eco-surplus culture among urban residents as a novel strategy to improve finance for conservation in protected areas
Nguyen Minh-Hoang, Jones Thomas E.
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 2022 9(1).
Resurvey After 20 Years: Updating the Distribution, Population, and Potential Threats of the Chinting Alpine Toad
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Asian Herpetological Research. 2024
High Rate of Endoparasites (Helminth) Infection of Toad (Anurans) in the Dir Lower, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Khan A. U., Attaullah M., Khan W., Waris A., Khalid Sh., Baset A.
Inland Water Biology. 2021 14(1). p.121
Conservation in tropical Pacific Island countries: why most current approaches are failing
Keppel Gunnar, Morrison Clare, Watling Dick, Tuiwawa Marika V., Rounds Isaac A.
Conservation Letters. 2012 5(4). p.256
Insights into the attributes of Pacific Island destinations that appeal to avitourists
Steven Rochelle
Pacific Conservation Biology. 2015 21(2). p.153
Interdependencies Among Traditional Resource Use Practices, Sustainable Tourism, and Biodiversity Conservation: A Global Assessment
de Vasconcellos Pegas Fernanda, Grignon Julien, Morrison Clare
Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 2015 20(5). p.454
Global Climate Change Impacts on Pacific Islands Terrestrial Biodiversity: A Review
Taylor S., Kumar L.
Tropical Conservation Science. 2016 9(1). p.203
Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation in Tropical Islands (2018)
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The conservation value of secondary vegetation for Fijian woodland birds
Reid Elizabeth, Naikatani Alivereti, Keppel Gunnar, Kleindorfer Sonia
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2019 119(3). p.286
Tourism and recreation listed as a threat for a wide diversity of vascular plants: A continental scale review
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Journal of Environmental Management. 2015 154 p.293
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Ecological Indicators. 2020 117 p.106580
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Sunscreen pollution and tourism governance: Science and innovation are necessary for biodiversity conservation and sustainable tourism
Downs Craig A., Cruz Orion T., Remengesau Tommy E.
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2022 32(5). p.896
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PLOS ONE. 2023 18(4). p.e0283683
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