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Pacific Conservation Biology Pacific Conservation Biology Society
A journal dedicated to conservation and wildlife management in the Pacific region.

Articles citing this paper

Improving methods for allocating resources among threatened species: the case for a new national approach in New Zealand

Liana N. Joseph, Richard F. Maloney, Shaun M. O’connor, Pam Cromarty, Paul Jansen, Theo Stephens and Hugh P. Possingham
14(3) pp.154 - 158

21 articles found in Crossref database.

Does recovery planning improve the status of threatened species?
Bottrill Madeleine C., Walsh Jessica C., Watson James E.M., Joseph Liana N., Ortega-Argueta Alejandro, Possingham Hugh P.
Biological Conservation. 2011 144(5). p.1595
Planning, implementing, and monitoring multiple‐species habitat conservation plans
Franklin Janet, Regan Helen M., Hierl Lauren A., Deutschman Douglas H., Johnson Brenda S., Winchell Clark S.
American Journal of Botany. 2011 98(3). p.559
A review of on-ground recovery actions for threatened freshwater fish in Australia
Lintermans Mark
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2013 64(9). p.775
Trends and biases in the listing and recovery planning for threatened species: an Australian case study
Walsh Jessica C., Watson James E. M., Bottrill Madeleine C., Joseph Liana N., Possingham Hugh P.
Oryx. 2013 47(1). p.134
Intractable: species in New Zealand that continue to decline despite conservation efforts
Hare Kelly M., Borrelle Stephanie B., Buckley Hannah L., Collier Kevin J., Constantine Rochelle, Perrott John K., Watts Corinne H., Towns David R.
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 2019 49(3). p.301
Gender Concerns When Noah the Economist Ranks Biodiversity Protection Policies
Martin David W.
Social Sciences. 2019 8(10). p.282
Trithuria brevistyla (Hydatellaceae), a new combination for the New Zealand endemic species from the South Island
de Lange P.J., Mosyakin S.L.
Ukrainian Botanical Journal. 2019 76(2). p.95
Planning for success: Why conservation programs need a strategic program for recovering species
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Conservation Science and Practice. 2019 1(9).
Survey of New Zealand Department of Conservation staff involved in the management and recovery of threatened species
Seabrook-Davison Mark N.H., Ji Weihong J., Brunton Dianne H.
Biological Conservation. 2010 143(1). p.212
New Zealand Species Recovery Groups and their role in evidence‐based conservation
Ewen John G., Adams Lynn, Renwick Rory, Hulme Philip
Journal of Applied Ecology. 2013 50(2). p.281
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Conservation Letters. 2009 2(3). p.101
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PeerJ. 2016 4 p.e2230
A large-scale application of project prioritization to threatened species investment by a government agency
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PLOS ONE. 2018 13(8). p.e0201413
The New South Wales Priorities Action Statement and opportunities for maximizing return on investment for conservation
Joseph Liana N., Watson James E. M., Possingham Hugh P.
Ecological Management & Restoration. 2009 10(s1).
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Biodiversity and Conservation. 2020 29(6). p.2055

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