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Pacific Conservation Biology Pacific Conservation Biology Society
A journal dedicated to conservation and wildlife management in the Pacific region.

Articles citing this paper

Predator or disperser? A test of indigenous fruit preference of alien rats (Rattus rattus) on Nishi-jima (Ogasawara Islands)

Tetsuto Abe
13(3) pp.213 - 218

28 articles found in Crossref database.

Synzoochory: the ecological and evolutionary relevance of a dual interaction
Gómez José María, Schupp Eugene W., Jordano Pedro
Biological Reviews. 2019 94(3). p.874
Tropical Islands Biodiversity Crisis (2009)
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Hashimoto Takuma
Frugivory by introduced black rats (Rattus rattus) promotes dispersal of invasive plant seeds
Shiels Aaron B.
Biological Invasions. 2011 13(3). p.781
Vegetation status on Nishi-jima Island (Ogasawara) before eradication of alien herbivore mammals: rapid expansion of an invasive alien tree,Casuarina equisetifolia(Casuarinaceae)
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Plant Dispersal, Introduced Species, and Vegetation Change in the South Pacific Kingdom of Tonga
Fall Patricia L., Drezner Taly Dawn
Pacific Science. 2011 65(2). p.143
Investigating the impact of black rats (Rattus rattus) on the endemic and threatened avifauna of Christmas Island
Willacy Rosalie, Flakus Samantha, McDonald-Madden Eve, Legge Sarah, Sullivan Tom
Wildlife Research. 2023 51(1).
Feeding Habits of Introduced Black Rats, Rattus rattus, in Nesting Colonies of Galapagos Petrel on San Cristóbal Island, Galapagos
Riofrío-Lazo Marjorie, Páez-Rosas Diego, Peter Hans-Ulrich
PLOS ONE. 2015 10(5). p.e0127901
Species Origins, Dispersal, and Island Vegetation Dynamics in the South Pacific
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Historic deforestation and non‐native plant invasions determine vegetation trajectories across an oceanic archipelago
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Increases in soil water content after the mortality of non-native trees in oceanic island forest ecosystems are due to reduced water loss during dry periods
Hata Kenji, Kawakami Kazuto, Kachi Naoki
Science of The Total Environment. 2016 545-546 p.372
Higher Soil Water Availability after Removal of a Dominant, Nonnative Tree (Casuarina equisetifolia Forst.) from a Subtropical Forest
Hata K., Kawakami K., Kachi N.
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Rattus rattus, a potential threat to the endangered tree Gomortega keule in the Maulino forest of Chile
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Novel diplochory: Native bats and non-native rats disperse seeds of an island tree
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Barriers to seed and seedling survival of once-common Hawaiian palms: the role of invasive rats and ungulates
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Ecological Research. 2016 31(2). p.155
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Biodiversity and Conservation. 2010 19(2). p.411
Pattern of Twig Cutting by Introduced Rats in Insular Cloud Forests
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Pacific Science. 2011 65(1). p.27
Herbivory in invasive rats: criteria for food selection
Grant-Hoffman M. N., Barboza Perry S.
Biological Invasions. 2010 12(4). p.805
Biology and Impacts of Pacific Island Invasive Species. 11.Rattus rattus,the Black Rat (Rodentia: Muridae)
Shiels Aaron B., Pitt William C., Sugihara Robert T., Witmer Gary W.
Pacific Science. 2014 68(2). p.145
Extinction threats of a narrowly endemic shrub, Stachyurus macrocarpus (Stachyuraceae) in the Ogasawara Islands
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