HIV in NSW in 2010: sustaining success in an evolving epidemic
Darryl O’Donnell A F , Andrew Grulich B , Roger Garsia C , Nicolas Parkhill D and Kim Browne EA AIDS/Infectious Diseases Branch, NSW Department of Health
B National Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical Research, The University of New South Wales
C Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney South West Area Health Service
D ACON (AIDS Council of New South Wales)
E Population Health, Planning and Performance, Hunter New England Area Health Service
F Corresponding author. Email: Darryl.O’
NSW Public Health Bulletin 21(4) 49-53
Published: 27 May 2010
Abstract: NSW has been recognised internationally for achieving a sustained, stable rate of HIV infection since 2000. An early mobilisation by communities initially at risk of HIV – gay men, sex workers and injecting drug users – resulted in rapid behaviour change and provided the basis for a continuing cooperative partnership with government, health service providers and researchers.
This special issue of the NSW Public Health Bulletin describes the current response to HIV in NSW. Experts from diverse disciplinary and professional fields offer perspectives on the epidemiology, morbidity and impacts of HIV, current prevention challenges including with Aboriginal communities and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, models for the diagnosis, care and treatment of HIV, and the legislative protection of public health and those who are living with HIV. The NSW experience demonstrates that the sustained cooperation of those affected, together with the efforts of government, health service providers and researchers, can achieve HIV control.
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