New South Wales Public Health Bulletin
Volume 22 Numbers 11 & 12 2011
Immunisation in NSW
NB11015 Using operational research to ensure that immunisation benefits are enjoyed by all
David N. Durrheim
pp. 217-218
NB11012 Invasive pneumococcal disease in western Sydney, 2002–2010
Kristina L. Flego, George Truman, Vicky Sheppeard and Robin E. Gilmour
pp. 219-221
NB11013 Aboriginal identification in Hunter New England infants
Natalie Allan and Patrick M. Cashman
pp. 221-222
NB11014 Why are children on the NSW North Coast not being vaccinated against chickenpox?
Marianne Trent
pp. 222-223
NB11023 The seroepidemiology of pertussis in NSW: fluctuating immunity profiles related to changes in vaccination schedules
Helen E. Quinn, Deepika Mahajan, Linda Hueston, Patricia Campbell, Robert I. Menzies, Gwendolyn L. Gilbert and Peter B. McIntyre
pp. 224-229
NB11039 Influenza immunisation program at three tertiary paediatric hospitals in NSW in 2010
Nicholas J. Wood and Patrick M. Cashman
pp. 230-232
NB11032Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin: Pertussis in NSW and its prevention in infants and children
Aaron W. Cashmore, Ruiting Lan and Kristine K. Macartney
pp. 236-236
NB11025Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin: Tickborne diseases
Chris P. Lowbridge, Stephen L. Doggett and Stephen Graves
pp. 237-237
NB11049 Communicable Diseases Report, NSW, September and October 2011
Communicable Diseases Branch
pp. 238-243