New South Wales Public Health Bulletin
Volume 12 Number 5 2001
Health Inequalities: Something Old, Something New
Peter Sainsbury and Elizabeth Harris
pp. 117-119
NB01038Socioeconomic differentials in life expectancy and years of life lost in Victoria,1992-1996
Theo Vos, Stephen Begg, Ying Chen and Anne Magnus
pp. 126-130
NB01041Promotion, prevention and early intervention in mental health: Two new national documents
Kym Scanlon, Beverley Raphael and Kathy Paterson
pp. 136-137
NB01042Getting in early: A framework for early intervention and prevention in mental health for young people in New South Wales
Kathy Paterson, Judy Jones, Bernadette Dagg, Kym Scanlon and Beverley Raphael
pp. 137-137
NB01045EpiReview: Hepatitis C in NSW, 1991-1999
Valerie Delpech, Mohammad Habib and Jeremy McAnulty
pp. 139-141