New South Wales Public Health Bulletin
Volume 11 Number 5 2000
Directions for Child Health in the 21st Century
Victor Nossar and Garth Alperstein
pp. 69-69
NB00036Child health policy in NSW: building on a century of care
Caroline Wraith and Elisabeth Murphy
pp. 72-74
NB00037Development of the NSW Child Health Survey
Julianne Quaine, Louisa Jorm and Margaret Williamson
pp. 75-77
NB00039Health promotion with schools: a policy for the NSW health system
Shelley Bowen and Erica Gray
pp. 80-80
NB00040Our people, our health, our future: Murdi Paaki Regional Council Health Summit
Margaret Lesjak, Julianne Quaine and Hugh Burke
pp. 81-82