New South Wales Public Health Bulletin
Volume 18 Numbers 7 & 8 2007
Year in Review 2006
NB07058Enhanced surveillance of hepatitis B infection in inner-western Sydney
Bradley L. Forssman and Leena Gupta
pp. 115-118
NB07051Prevalence of Mantoux positivity and annual risk of infection for tuberculosis in New South Wales prisoners, 1996 and 2001
Michael H. Levy, Tony G. Butler and Jialun Zhou
pp. 119-124
NB07056Recent substance use and high levels of psychological distress among secondary school students in New South Wales
Tom F. Norris and Margo L. Eyeson-Annan
pp. 125-129
NB07059A discussion of the potential benefits to injury surveillance through inclusion of date of injury in hospitalisation data in New South Wales and Australia
Andrew D. Hayen, Soufiane Boufous and James E. Harrison
pp. 130-132
NB07057A review of the efficacy of human Q fever vaccine registered in Australia
Clayton K. Chiu and David N. Durrheim
pp. 133-136
NB07037Bug Breakfast in the Bulletin: Q fever
Melissa J. Irwin, Andrew R. Lloyd and Peter D. Massey
pp. 137-138