Year in review: communicable disease surveillance, NSW, 2009
Communicable Diseases Branch
+ Author Affiliations
- Author Affiliations
NSW Department of Health
NSW Public Health Bulletin 21(8) 157-166
Published: 27 September 2010
We thank all those general and specialist medical practices, laboratories, hospitals, schools, child-care centres, and others who have notified diseases of public health significance to their local public health units for investigation and control.
[1] Fleming DT, Wasserheit JN. From epidemiological synergy to public health policy and practice: the contribution to other sexually transmitted diseases to sexual transmission of HIV infection. Sex Transm Infect 1999; 75 3–17.
| PubMed | CAS | (Accessed 12 May 2010.)
[5] Communicable Diseases Branch NSW Department of Health. Communicable Diseases Report, NSW, March and April 2009. N S W Public Health Bull 2009; 20(5–6): 99–103.
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[6] Communicable Diseases Branch. NSW Department of Health Communicable Diseases Report, NSW, July and August 2009. N S W Public Health Bull 2009; 20(9–10): 166–71.
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