The evaluation of web-based data collection for enhanced surveillance of cryptosporidiosis
Kerri A. Viney A C and Jeremy M. McAnulty BA NSW Public Health Officer Training Program, NSW Department of Health
B Communicable Diseases Branch, NSW Department of Health
C Corresponding author. Email:
NSW Public Health Bulletin 19(2) 15-19
Published: 28 February 2008
Following an increase in the number of people diagnosed with cryptosporidiosis in November 2005, the Communicable Diseases Branch initiated enhanced surveillance using a developmental version of NetEpi Collection, an open-source, web-based data collection tool. We evaluated the usefulness of NetEpi Collection for enhanced surveillance, using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Updated Guidelines for Evaluating Public Health Surveillance Systems as a guide. Most staff (73 per cent) who used NetEpi Collection found it easy to use. Although ongoing support was thought to be adequate by 82 per cent of respondents who used NetEpi Collection, 36 per cent reported that training was limited and 27 per cent reported technical problems such as internet, server and password problems. In order to improve its usefulness in enhanced surveillance, training in NetEpi Collection should be enhanced and the stability of the system improved.
Many thanks to Tim Churches (Population Health Information Branch, NSW Health) for advice on the manuscript and to the Public Health Unit network for their co-operation during the outbreak and in returning questionnaires.
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