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Chris E. Rissel A
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A Health Promotion Service, Sydney South West Area Health Service School of Public Health, University of SydneyEmail:

NSW Public Health Bulletin 20(2) 10-13
Published: 25 February 2009

74 articles found in Crossref database.

Double-layered health benefits: green space as a Third Place for everyday active mobility trips
Liu Yu, Maurer Megan Lynn, Skov-Petersen Hans, Tollin Nicola, Olafsson Anton Stahl
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Prioritising Climate Change Mitigation Behaviours and Exploring Public Health Co-Benefits: A Delphi Study
Ratwatte Priyanjali, Wehling Helena, Phalkey Revati, Weston Dale
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023 20(6). p.5094
The impact of privacy protection measures on the utility of crowdsourced cycling data
Raturi Varun, Hong Jinhyun, McArthur David Philip, Livingston Mark
Journal of Transport Geography. 2021 92 p.103020
Does the Effect of Micro-Environmental Factors on a Street’s Appeal for Adults’ Bicycle Transport Vary across Different Macro-Environments? An Experimental Study
Mertens Lieze, Van Cauwenberg Jelle, Ghekiere Ariane, Van Holle Veerle, De Bourdeaudhuij Ilse, Deforche Benedicte, Nasar Jack, Van de Weghe Nico, Van Dyck Delfien, Matisziw Timothy C.
PLOS ONE. 2015 10(8). p.e0136715
Sources and Applications of Emerging Active Travel Data: A Review of the Literature
Alattar Mohammad Anwar, Cottrill Caitlin, Beecroft Mark
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Mixed-methods approach to studying multiuser perceptions of an interim Complete Streets project in Norway
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Climate policy co-benefits: a review
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The complex relationship between carbon literacy and pro-environmental actions among engineering students
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Active Commuting and Healthy Behavior among Adolescents in Neighborhoods with Varying Socioeconomic Status: The NESLA Study
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Mainstreaming sustainable practices without losing conviviality? An assessment framework based on cycling
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Using gamification to encourage active travel
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Promoting active mobility during COVID-19
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Protecting and promoting population health in the context of climate and other global environmental changes
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Valuing active travel: Including the health benefits of sustainable transport in transportation appraisal frameworks
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Which environmental factors most strongly influence a street’s appeal for bicycle transport among adults? A conjoint study using manipulated photographs
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Developing a research and practice tool to measure walkability: a demonstration project
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Perceived public transport infrastructure modifies the association between public transport use and mental health: Multilevel analyses from the United Kingdom
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Exploring informants’ perspectives on the role of crowdsourced active travel data
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The role of parental environmental self-identity in active travel behavior within parent–adolescent dyads
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Barriers and enablers to local active travel during COVID-19: A case study of Streetspace interventions in two London boroughs
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EcoSanté Lifestyle Intervention: Encourage Reflections on the Connections between Health and Environment
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