MU920001Plumage changes of the Nankeen Night-Heron (Nycticorax caledonicus) C.F. Cole pp. 1-4 MU920001 Abstract
MU920004With camera and field glasses in North-west Victoria L.G. Chandler pp. 4-13 MU920004 Abstract
MU920014Australian species of Tubinares (Petrels and Albatrosses) W.B. Alexander pp. 14-24 MU920014 Abstract
MU920034Birds nesting in the drought, and its effects on same R.G. Hays pp. 34-34 MU920034PDF (48 KB)
MU920035Discovery and early history and notes on the Lyre-Bird (Menura superba) H.V. Edwards pp. 35-36 MU920035PDF (90 KB)