Volume 97 Number 4 1997
MU97041A Review of Studies of the Breeding Biology of Australian Birds from 1986-95: Biases and Consequences
Michael F. Clarke
pp. 283-289
MU97042Vocalisations of the Marbled Frogmouth I: Descriptions and an Analysis of Sex Differences
Geoffrey C. Smith and Darryl N. Jones
pp. 290-295
MU97043Vocalisations of the Marbled Frogmouth II: An Assessment of Vocal Individuality as a Potential Census Technique
Darryl N. Jones and Geoffrey C. Smith
pp. 296-304
MU97044Synchronous Breeding: Wedge-tailed Shearwaters Puffinus pacificus in Eastern Australia
P.K. Dyer and J.L. Carter
pp. 304-309
MU97045Distribution, Status and Notes on the Breeding Biology of the Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus in New Caledonia
Vincent Bretagnolle and Mireille Pandolfi Benoit
pp. 310-315
MU97046Breeding Biology of Australian Owlet-nightjars Aegotheles cristatus in Eucalypt Woodland
R. Mark Brigham and Fritz Geiser
pp. 316-321
MU97047Short Communication : Interbreeding of Black-browed Albatross Diomedea m. melanophris and New Zealand Black-browed Albatross D. m. impavida on Campbell Island
Peter J. Moore, Graeme A. Taylor and Jacinda M. Amey
pp. 322-324
MU97048Short Communication : Summer Field Metabolic Rate and Water Intake Rate in Superb Fairy-wrens and a White-throated Treecreeper
Wesley W. Weathers and David C. Paton
pp. 324-325
MU97050Short Communication : The Size and Type of Prey Taken by Adult Rainbow Bee-eaters in the South-west of Australia
V.M. Saffer and M.C. Calver
pp. 329-332
MU97051Short Communication : Overwintering by Clamorous Reed-Warblers Acrocephalus stentoreus in Perth, Western Australia
S.J. Wooller and R.D. Wooller
pp. 332-334
MU97052 The Field Guide to the Birds of Australia by Graham Pizzey and Frank Knight
Phil Battley, Darryl Jones, Danny Rogers and Ian Venables
pp. 335-336