Volume 98 Number 2 1998
MU98010Breeding Success and Nest Site Selection of the Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia near Armidale, New South Wales
Damon L. Oliver, Andrew J. Ley and Beth Williams
pp. 97-103
MU98011Breeding Biology of the Regent Honeyeater Xanthomyza phrygia in the Capertee Valley, New South Wales
Kristine French and David Geering
pp. 104-116
MU98012Interseasonal Changes in Shorebird Habitat Specialisation in Moreton Bay, Australia
Jeremy J. Thompson
pp. 117-126
MU98013The Reproductive Endocrinology of Fiordland Crested Penguins Eudyptes pachyrhynchus
Shirley M. McQueen, Lloyd S. Davis and Graham Young
pp. 127-131
MU98014Short Communication : Notes on the Breeding of the Striated Heron Butorides striatus patruelis in Tahiti, French Polynesia
Claude Monnet and Albert Varney
pp. 132-136
MU98015Short Communication : Reciprocal Homosexual Mounting in Adélie Penguins Pygoscelis adeliae
Lloyd S. Davis, Fiona M. Hunter, Robert G. Harcourt and Sue Michelsen Heath
pp. 136-137
MU98016Short Communication : Additional Notes on the Nesting Biology of Victoria¿s Riflebird Ptiloris victoriae
Clifford B. Frith and Dawn W. Frith
pp. 138-142
MU98017Short Communication : The 'Burrowscope': Modifications to Burrow Viewing Equipment
P.K. Dyer and K. Aldworth
pp. 143-146
MU98018Short Communication : Recent Changes in the Status of Australasian Gannets Morus serrator in Victoria
F.I. Norman, C.D.T. Minton, A. Bunce and A.P. Govanstone
pp. 147-150