Volume 88 Number 2 1988
MU9880070Aspects of the Distribution and Abundance of Chestnut Teal in South-eastern Australia
FI Norman and RS Brown
pp. 70-80
MU9880081Post-fledging Parental Investment in the Capricorn Silvereye
SM Wilson and J Kikkawa
pp. 81-87
MU9880104Non-breeding Birds of Pointe Géologie Archipelago, Adelie Land, Antarctica
T Thomas and V Bretagnolle
pp. 104-106
MU9880107Egg Deposition by the Bronze-Cuckoos Chrysococcyx basalis and Ch. lucidus
MG Brooker, LC Brooker and I Rowley
pp. 107-109
MU9880115The Diet and Foraging Behavior of the Plains-wanderer Pedionomus torquatus
DJ Baker-Gabb
pp. 115-118
MU9880118 Methods for Sexing and Aging the Bell Miner Manorina melanophrys
MF Clarke and CF Heathcote
pp. 118-121