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Journal of BirdLife Australia

Survivorship and Some Population Parameters for the Endangered Gouldian Finch Erythrura gouldiae and Two Other Finch Species at Two Sites in Tropical Northern Australia

JCZ Woinarski and S Tidemann

Emu 92(1) 33 - 38
Published: 1992


A capture-recapture study of Gouldian Finch Erythrura gouldiae, Masked Finch Poephila personata and Long-tailed Finch P. acuticauda at two sites in the Northern Territory (extending over 22-24 months) showed a disappearance of banded Gouldian Finches from populatiop at both study sites. The lack of recaptures of banded Gouldian Finches is due either to much higher mortality or to greater rates of emigration, or to both, relative to Masked and Longtailed Finches. Some evidence is presented for each explanation but the data do not adequately discriminate the alternatives (or define the relative contributions of both).

© Royal Australian Ornithologists Union 1992

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