Birds of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Indian Ocean
84(1) 23 - 28
Published: 1984
The birds of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Indian Ocean, were surveyed by T.S. and W.S. in January 1982 and other records by W.S. and K.D. are included. Thirty-four species are recorded, of which nine are new records for the islands. Three species, introduced between 1885-1906 and recorded in 1940-41 or 1958, are believed to be extinct. Very few land or sea birds remain on the main atoll and the large rookery of seabirds on North Keeling Island is threatened by a recent increase in the number of birds killed. The endemic subspecies of the Buff-banded Rail Rallus philippensis andraosi which is common on North Keeling Island but rare on the main atoll, appears to be endangered.
© Royal Australian Ornithologists Union 1984