Summer surveys of birds in the Mt Cobberas-Snowy River Area of Victoria, Australia
78(3) 126 - 136
Published: 1978
Avifaunal surveys were conducted during 6-8 and 16-28 Febmw, 8-11 March 1974 and 4-7 February 1975 in the Mt Cobberas-Snowv River area of Victoria (apprroximately 36°45′; S. 140°15′ E). Five blant formations and two aquatic liabitats are used to the distrution of birds. Ninety-five species of birds were observed and their abundance and distribution (geographical and ecological) and data on fifteen plant associations in the five plant formations are presented.
Vertical distribution of birds in each of three of the defined plant formations are shown diagrammatically. Most species were restrioted to certain layers in the formations rather than occurring uniformly throughout.
The avifauna of the area (during summer) had at least three distinct elements associated with: subalpine, tall open forest and open forest; woodland; and semi-cleared pasture. The Snowy River and Suggan Buggan River gorges probably constitute a distinct avifaunal district the Mt Cobberas-Wulgulmerang plateau appears to oontQin two distinct avifaunal districts.
© Royal Australian Ornithologists Union 1978