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Emu Emu Society
Journal of BirdLife Australia

Song of the Supberb Lyrebird in South-Eastern New South Wales, With Some Observations on Habitat

K Bell

Emu 76(2) 59 - 63
Published: 1976


Habitat, repertoire and dialect of the Superb Lyrebird Menura novachollandiae were studied in seven areas of New South Wales. Observations of behaviour were also made. Short samples of repertoire were compared with longer ones in two areas. The short samples were very similar to the longer ones in the models that were often mimicked. Repertoire was based on models in the habitat but variations could occur. A core of models was common to the areas and part of the mimicry was the same in all areas. Differences in dialect were detected and variations indicated learning by the young birds from the old.

© Royal Australian Ornithologists Union 1976

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