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Journal of BirdLife Australia

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Breeding seasons and double brooding of the Little Penguin Eudyptula minor in New Zealand

R Gales
85(2) pp.127 - 130

25 articles found in Crossref database.

Managing shifting species: Ancient DNA reveals conservation conundrums in a dynamic world
Waters Jonathan M., Grosser Stefanie
BioEssays. 2016 38(11). p.1177
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Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2024 34(3).
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Grosser Stefanie, Burridge Christopher P., Peucker Amanda J., Waters Jonathan M., Chiang Tzen-Yuh
PLOS ONE. 2015 10(12). p.e0144966
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Increased survival and breeding performance of double breeders in little penguins Eudyptula minor, New Zealand: evidence for individual bird quality?
Johannesen Edda, Houston Dave, Russell Janis
Journal of Avian Biology. 2003 34(2). p.198
Population regulation in Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor): the role of intraspecific competition for nesting sites and food during breeding
Dann Peter, Norman F. I.
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Tourism and little penguins: a comparative study of survival and reproductive parameters
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Breeding success in Southern Australian Little Penguins is negatively correlated with high wind speeds and sea surface temperatures
Johnson Bianca, Colombelli-Négrel Diane
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Survival rates of oil-rehabilitated and non-rehabilitated little penguins after the C/V Rena oil spill, New Zealand
Sievwright Karin A., Battley Phil F., McConnell Helen, Armstrong Doug P., Morgan Kerri J.
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Patterns of nest relief during incubation, and incubation period variability in the yellow-eyed penguin (Megadyptes antipodes)
Seddon Philip
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Variation in reproductive performance of Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) attributable to double brooding
Agnew Philippa, Houston Dave, Lalas Chris, Wright Janine
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Berlincourt Maud, Arnould John P. Y.
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Johannesen Edda, Perriman Lyndon, Steen Harald
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Post-release breeding success of oil-rehabilitated and non-rehabilitated little blue penguins, Eudyptula minor, following the M/V Rena oil spill, New Zealand
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Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2019 149 p.110553
Egg size, incubation periods and hatching success of Little Penguins,Eudyptula minor
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