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Journal of BirdLife Australia

Articles citing this paper

Introduction and spread of the Common Myna in New South Wales

J Hone
78(4) pp.227 - 230

20 articles found in Crossref database.

Tracing the introduction of the invasive common myna using population genomics
Atsawawaranunt Kamolphat, Ewart Kyle M., Major Richard E., Johnson Rebecca N., Santure Anna W., Whibley Annabel
Heredity. 2023 131(1). p.56
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Behavioral Ecology. 2016 27(1). p.219
The Current and Potential Distribution of the Common Myna Acridotheres tristis in Australia
Martin W.K.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1996 96(3). p.166
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Magory Cohen Tali, McKinney Matthew, Kark Salit, Dor Roi
Biological Invasions. 2019 21(4). p.1295
Is It Benign or Is It a Pariah? Empirical Evidence for the Impact of the Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis) on Australian Birds
Grarock Kate, Tidemann Christopher R., Wood Jeffrey, Lindenmayer David B., Sueur Cédric
PLoS ONE. 2012 7(7). p.e40622
Two speed invasion: assisted and intrinsic dispersal of common mynas over 150 years of colonization
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Journal of Biogeography. 2019 46(1). p.45
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Foraging behaviour of the Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis) in relation to vigilance and group size
Newey Philip
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2007 107(4). p.315
Baker Allan J., Moeed Abdul
Evolution. 1987 41(3). p.525
Using public surveys to reliably and rapidly estimate the distributions of multiple invasive species on the Andaman archipelago
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Biotropica. 2018 50(2). p.197
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Pell A.S., Tidemann C.R.
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The Ecology of the Common Myna in Urban Nature Reserves in the Australian Capital Territory
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Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1997 97(2). p.141
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