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Journal of BirdLife Australia

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The Zebra Finch: the ultimate Australian supermodel

Simon C. Griffith and Katherine L. Buchanan
110(3) pp.v - xii

84 articles found in Crossref database.

Rhythm in dyadic interactions
de Reus Koen, Soma Masayo, Anichini Marianna, Gamba Marco, de Heer Kloots Marianne, Lense Miriam, Bruno Julia Hyland, Trainor Laurel, Ravignani Andrea
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2021 376(1835).
An experimental test of chronic traffic noise exposure on parental behaviour and reproduction in zebra finches
Liu Quanxiao, Gelok Esther, Fontein Kiki, Slabbekoorn Hans, Riebel Katharina
Biology Open. 2022 11(4).
Breeding biology of Crimson Finches (Neochmia phaeton) in the eastern Kimberley, Western Australia
Young Catherine Mary, Cain Kristal Elaine, Svedin Nina, Backwell Patricia Ruth Yvonne, Pryke Sarah Rosalind
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2019 119(2). p.106
The ecology of zebra finch song and its implications for vocal communication in multi-level societies
Loning Hugo, Griffith Simon C., Naguib Marc
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2024 379(1905).
Locally elevated cortisol in lymphoid organs of the developing zebra finch but not Japanese quail or chicken
Taves Matthew D., Losie Jennifer A., Rahim Titissa, Schmidt Kim L., Sandkam Benjamin A., Ma Chunqi, Silversides Frederick G., Soma Kiran K.
Developmental & Comparative Immunology. 2016 54(1). p.116
Susceptibility and Antibody Response of the Laboratory Model Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata) to West Nile Virus
Hofmeister Erik K., Lund Melissa, Shearn-Bochsler Valerie, Balakrishnan Christopher N., Coffey Lark L.
PLOS ONE. 2017 12(1). p.e0167876
Male social niche conformance? Effects of manipulated opportunity for extra-pair mating on behavior and hormones of male zebra finches
Lilie Navina D., Riyahi Sepand, Kalinowski Arne, Salazar Stephen M., Kaiser Sylvia, Schmoll Tim, Korsten Peter
Hormones and Behavior. 2022 146 p.105243
Prenatal exposure to incubation calls affects song learning in the zebra finch
Katsis Andrew C., Davies Mzuri H., Buchanan Katherine L., Kleindorfer Sonia, Hauber Mark E., Mariette Mylene M.
Scientific Reports. 2018 8(1).
Neurogenomic insights into the behavioral and vocal development of the zebra finch
Hauber Mark E, Louder Matthew IM, Griffith Simon C
eLife. 2021 10
Blood Mercury Levels of Zebra Finches Are Heritable: Implications for the Evolution of Mercury Resistance
Buck Kenton A., Varian-Ramos Claire W., Cristol Daniel A., Swaddle John P., Rutherford Suzannah
PLOS ONE. 2016 11(9). p.e0162440
Experimental manipulation of maternal corticosterone: Hormone transfer to the yolk in the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata
Miltiadous Anna, Buchanan Katherine L.
General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2021 313 p.113898
A prezygotic transmission distorter acting equally in female and male zebra finchesTaeniopygia guttata
Knief Ulrich, Schielzeth Holger, Ellegren Hans, Kempenaers Bart, Forstmeier Wolfgang
Molecular Ecology. 2015 24(15). p.3846
Resource allocation across the egg laying sequence in the wild zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata
Griffith Simon C., Pariser Emma C., Tschirren Barbara, Astheimer Lee B.
Journal of Avian Biology. 2011 42(6). p.480
Synchronised provisioning at the nest: parental coordination over care in a socially monogamous species
van Rooij Erica P., Griffith Simon C.
PeerJ. 2013 1 p.e232
Population Differences in Susceptibility to Plasmodium relictum in Zebra Finches Taeniopygia guttata
Hofmeister Erik K., Balakrishnan Christopher N., Atkinson Carter T.
Avian Diseases. 2018 62(4). p.351
Conspecific attraction and nest site selection in a nomadic species, the zebra finch
Mariette Mylene M., Griffith Simon C.
Oikos. 2012 121(6). p.823
Does sex matter? Differential responses to corticosterone administration in the zebra finch
Khan Nicola, Robert Kylie
Zoology. 2013 116(5). p.293
Social odour activates the hippocampal formation in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)
Golüke Sarah, Bischof Hans-Joachim, Engelmann Jacob, Caspers Barbara A., Mayer Uwe
Behavioural Brain Research. 2019 364 p.41
Zebra finch song is a very short-range signal in the wild: evidence from an integrated approach
Loning Hugo, Griffith Simon C, Naguib Marc, Ridley Amanda
Behavioral Ecology. 2022 33(1). p.37
Evaluating acoustic signals to reduce avian collision risk
Thady Robin G., Emerson Lauren C., Swaddle John P.
PeerJ. 2022 10 p.e13313
Wild zebra finches that nest synchronously have long‐term stable social ties
Brandl Hanja B., Griffith Simon C., Farine Damien R., Schuett Wiebke, Morand‐Ferron Julie
Journal of Animal Ecology. 2021 90(1). p.76
Incubation behaviour and hatching synchrony differ in wild and captive populations of the zebra finch
Gilby Amanda J., Mainwaring Mark C., Griffith Simon C.
Animal Behaviour. 2013 85(6). p.1329
Multimodality during live tutoring is relevant for vocal learning in zebra finches
Varkevisser Judith M., Mendoza Ezequiel, Simon Ralph, Manet Maëva, Halfwerk Wouter, Scharff Constance, Riebel Katharina
Animal Behaviour. 2022 187 p.263
Reciprocal processes of sensory perception and social bonding: an integrated social‐sensory framework of social behavior
Prior Nora H., Bentz Ehren J., Ophir Alexander G.
Genes, Brain and Behavior. 2022 21(3).
Breeding Experience, Alternative Reproductive Strategies and Reproductive Success in a Captive Colony of Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata)
Baran Nicole M., Adkins-Regan Elizabeth, Rubenstein Dustin
PLoS ONE. 2014 9(2). p.e89808
Nestling odour modulates behavioural response in male, but not in female zebra finches
Golüke Sarah, Bischof Hans-Joachim, Caspers Barbara A.
Scientific Reports. 2021 11(1).
The Genomics of Memory and Learning in Songbirds
Clayton David F.
Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics. 2013 14(1). p.45
Not for Parents Only: Begging Calls Allow Nest‐Mate Discrimination in Juvenile Zebra Finches
Ligout Séverine, Dentressangle Fabrice, Mathevon Nicolas, Vignal Clémentine, Manser M.
Ethology. 2016 122(3). p.193
Intra-specific variation in nest-site preferences of Zebra Finches: do height and cover matter?
Krause E. Tobias, Schrader Lars
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2016 116(4). p.333
Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior (2019)
Swaddle John P.
Implications of nutritional stress as nestling or fledgling on subsequent attractiveness and fecundity in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)
Honarmand Mariam, Krause E. Tobias, Naguib Marc
PeerJ. 2017 5 p.e3628
Elucidating mutual mate choice: effects of trial design on preferences of male zebra finches
Martin John O, Burley Nancy Tyler, Naguib Marc
Behavioral Ecology. 2021 32(6). p.1306
Corticosterone triggers high-pitched nestlings’ begging calls and affects parental behavior in the wild zebra finch
Perez Emilie C., Mariette Mylene M., Cochard Précillia, Soulage Christophe O., Griffith Simon C., Vignal Clémentine
Behavioral Ecology. 2016  p.arw069
Dietary antioxidants and flight exercise in female birds affect allocation of nutrients to eggs: how carry-over effects work
Skrip Megan M., Seeram Navindra P., Yuan Tao, Ma Hang, McWilliams Scott R.
Journal of Experimental Biology. 2016 219(17). p.2716
Group housing during adolescence has long-term effects on the adult stress response in female, but not male, zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)
Emmerson Michael G., Spencer Karen A.
General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2018 256 p.71
The size and composition of social groups in the wild zebra finch
McCowan Luke S. C., Mariette Mylene M., Griffith Simon C.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2015 115(3). p.191
No evidence of eavesdropping on heterospecific alarm calls by captive zebra finches recently descended from wild birds
Butler Nicole E., McDonald Paul G., Peters Richard A.
Journal of Avian Biology. 2018 49(9).
Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 13 (2016)
Krause E. Tobias, Kabbert Johanna, Caspers Barbara A.
Different Reactions of Zebra Finches and Bengalese Finches to a Three-Component Mixture of Anesthetics
Ikebuchi Maki, Okanoya Kazuo, Bischof Hans-Joachim
Zoological Science. 2020 37(2). p.159
Local glucocorticoid production in lymphoid organs of mice and birds: Functions in lymphocyte development
Taves Matthew D., Hamden Jordan E., Soma Kiran K.
Hormones and Behavior. 2017 88 p.4
Juvenile socio-ecological environment shapes material technology in nest-building birds
Breen Alexis J, Lovie Keren E, Guerard Chloé, Edwards Sophie C, Cooper Jasmine, Healy Susan D, Guillette Lauren M, Naguib Marc
Behavioral Ecology. 2020 31(4). p.892
Breeding ecology of an Australian estrildid, the Long-tailed Finch (Poephila acuticauda)
van Rooij Erica P., Griffith Simon C.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2011 111(4). p.297
Commentary: A Bird in the House: The Challenge of Being Ecologically Relevant in Captivity
Griffith Simon C., Crino Ondi L., Andrew Samuel C.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2017 5
The great tit abdominal stripe contains a sexually dichromatic colour patch hidden from the human eye
Laczi Miklós, Herczeg Gábor, Szabó Gyula, Gyarmathy Helga, Sarkadi Fanni, Török János, Hegyi Gergely
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2023 11
Acute effects of intense exercise on the antioxidant system in birds: does exercise training help?
Cooper-Mullin Clara, Carter Wales, McWilliams Scott
Journal of Experimental Biology. 2019
Diet history effects on Zebra Finch incubation performance: Nest attendance, temperature regulation, and clutch success
Wilson Kerianne M., Kem Michelle, Burley Nancy Tyler
The Auk. 2017 134(2). p.295
Relative Water Economy Is a Useful Index of Aridity Tolerance for Australian Poephiline Finches
Withers Philip C., Cooper Christine E., Larcombe Alexander N.
Birds. 2022 3(2). p.172
Nest visit synchrony is high and correlates with reproductive success in the wild Zebra finchTaeniopygia guttata
Mariette Mylene M., Griffith Simon C.
Journal of Avian Biology. 2012 43(2). p.131
Brain transcriptome of the violet-eared waxbillUraeginthus granatinaand recent evolution in the songbird genome
Balakrishnan Christopher N., Chapus Charles, Brewer Michael S., Clayton David F.
Open Biology. 2013 3(9). p.130063
The Future of the Red-legged Partridge (2022)
Pérez-Rodríguez Lorenzo
Diurnal and Reproductive Stage-Dependent Variation of Parental Behaviour in Captive Zebra Finches
Morvai Boglárka, Nanuru Sabine, Mul Douwe, Kusche Nina, Milne Gregory, Székely Tamás, Komdeur Jan, Miklósi Ádám, Pogány Ákos, Vicario David S
PLOS ONE. 2016 11(12). p.e0167368
Variation in Reproductive Success Across Captive Populations: Methodological Differences, Potential Biases and Opportunities
Griffith Simon C., Crino Ondi L., Andrew Samuel C., Nomano Fumiaki Y., Adkins‐Regan Elizabeth, Alonso‐Alvarez Carlos, Bailey Ida E., Bittner Stephanie S., Bolton Peri E., Boner Winnie, Boogert Neeltje, Boucaud Ingrid C. A., Briga Michael, Buchanan Katherine L., Caspers Barbara A., Cichoń Mariusz, Clayton David F., Derégnaucourt Sebastien, Forstmeier Wolfgang, Guillette Lauren M., Hartley Ian R., Healy Susan D., Hill Davina L., Holveck Marie‐Jeanne, Hurley Laura L., Ihle Malika, Tobias Krause E., Mainwaring Mark C., Marasco Valeria, Mariette Mylene M., Martin‐Wintle Meghan S., McCowan Luke S. C., McMahon Maeve, Monaghan Pat, Nager Ruedi G., Naguib Marc, Nord Andreas, Potvin Dominique A., Prior Nora H., Riebel Katharina, Romero‐Haro Ana A., Royle Nick J., Rutkowska Joanna, Schuett Wiebke, Swaddle John P., Tobler Michael, Trompf Larissa, Varian‐Ramos Claire W., Vignal Clémentine, Villain Avelyne S., Williams Tony D.
Ethology. 2017 123(1). p.1
Personality over ontogeny in zebra finches: long-term repeatable traits but unstable behavioural syndromes
Wuerz Yvonne, Krüger Oliver
Frontiers in Zoology. 2015 12(Suppl 1). p.S9
Personality in captivity: More exploratory males reproduce better in an aviary population
McCowan Luke S.C., Rollins Lee Ann, Griffith Simon C.
Behavioural Processes. 2014 107 p.150
Plumage and Fat Condition Scores as Well-Being Assessment Indicators in a Small Passerine Bird, the Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata)
Kalnins Lisa, Krüger Oliver, Krause E. Tobias
Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2022 9
Personality in the wild zebra finch: exploration, sociality, and reproduction
McCowan Luke S.C., Mainwaring Mark C., Prior Nora H., Griffith Simon C.
Behavioral Ecology. 2015 26(3). p.735
Zebra finches have style: Nest morphology is repeatable and associated with experience
Whittaker Benjamin A., Nolet-Mulholland Liam, Nevoit Anna, Yun Deborah, Lambert Connor T., Blunk Sara C., Guillette Lauren M.
iScience. 2023 26(11). p.108194
A Bird in the House: The Challenge of Being Ecologically Relevant in Captivity
Beaulieu Michaël
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2016 4
Male song structure predicts reproductive success in a wild zebra finch population
Woodgate Joseph L., Mariette Mylene M., Bennett Andrew T.D., Griffith Simon C., Buchanan Katherine L.
Animal Behaviour. 2012 83(3). p.773
Intra‐specific variance in sperm morphometry: a comparison between wild and domesticated Zebra FinchesTaeniopygia guttata
Ibis. 2012 154(3). p.480
Krause E. Tobias, Bischof Hans-Joachim, Engel Kathrin, Golüke Sarah, Maraci Öncü, Mayer Uwe, Sauer Jan, Caspers Barbara A.
High major histocompatibility complex class I polymorphism despite bottlenecks in wild and domesticated populations of the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata)
Newhouse Daniel J., Balakrishnan Christopher N.
BMC Evolutionary Biology. 2015 15(1).
Hanging out in the outback: the use of social hotspots by wild zebra finches
Loning Hugo, Fragueira Rita, Naguib Marc, Griffith Simon C.
Journal of Avian Biology. 2023 2023(11-12).
Effects of water restriction on reproductive physiology and affiliative behavior in an opportunistically-breeding and monogamous songbird, the zebra finch
Prior Nora H., Heimovics Sarah A., Soma Kiran K.
Hormones and Behavior. 2013 63(3). p.462
Adding colour-realistic video images to audio playbacks increases stimulus engagement but does not enhance vocal learning in zebra finches
Varkevisser Judith M., Simon Ralph, Mendoza Ezequiel, How Martin, van Hijlkema Idse, Jin Rozanda, Liang Qiaoyi, Scharff Constance, Halfwerk Wouter H., Riebel Katharina
Animal Cognition. 2022 25(2). p.249
Irreproducible text-book “knowledge”: The effects of color bands on zebra finch fitness
Wang Daiping, Forstmeier Wolfgang, Ihle Malika, Khadraoui Mehdi, Jerónimo Sofia, Martin Katrin, Kempenaers Bart
Evolution. 2018 72(4). p.961
Repeatability of signalling traits in the avian dawn chorus
Naguib Marc, Diehl Joris, van Oers Kees, Snijders Lysanne
Frontiers in Zoology. 2019 16(1).
Avifaunal use of an artificial waterpoint in the Strzelecki Desert during an extended dry period
Gorta Simon B. Z., Pedler Reece D., Kingsford Richard T., Callaghan Corey T.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2021 121(4). p.354
Neuroendocrine regulation of long-term pair maintenance in the monogamous zebra finch
Prior Nora H., Soma Kiran K.
Hormones and Behavior. 2015 76 p.11
Sound sequences in birdsong: how much do birds really care?
Fishbein Adam R., Idsardi William J., Ball Gregory F., Dooling Robert J.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2020 375(1789). p.20190044
Ecologically-relevant exposure to methylmercury during early development does not affect adult phenotype in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata)
Morran Spencer A. M., Elliott John E., Young Jessica M. L., Eng Margaret L., Basu Niladri, Williams Tony D.
Ecotoxicology. 2018 27(3). p.259
Captive domesticated zebra finches ( Taeniopygia guttata ) have increased plasma corticosterone concentrations in the absence of bathing water
Krause E. Tobias, Ruploh Tim
Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2016 182 p.80
Social facilitation of male song by male and female conspecifics in the zebra finch, Taeniopygia guttata
Jesse Fabienne, Riebel Katharina
Behavioural Processes. 2012 91(3). p.262
No mutual mate choice for quality in zebra finches: Time to question a widely held assumption
Wang Daiping, Forstmeier Wolfgang, Kempenaers Bart
Evolution. 2017 71(11). p.2661
Birdsong Learning and Culture: Analogies with Human Spoken Language
Hyland Bruno Julia, Jarvis Erich D., Liberman Mark, Tchernichovski Ofer
Annual Review of Linguistics. 2021 7(1). p.449
Neuronal activation in zebra finch parents associated with reintroduction of nestlings
Fazekas Emese A., Morvai Boglárka, Zachar Gergely, Dóra Fanni, Székely Tamás, Pogány Ákos, Dobolyi Arpád
Journal of Comparative Neurology. 2020 528(3). p.363
The adaptive benefit of hatching asynchrony in wild zebra finches
Gilby Amanda J., Mainwaring Mark C., Griffith Simon C.
Animal Behaviour. 2011 82(3). p.479
Lack of alarm calls in a gregarious bird: models and videos of predators prompt alarm responses but no alarm calls by zebra finches
Butler Nicole E., Magrath Robert D., Peters Richard A.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 2017 71(8).
Rest-Phase Hypothermia Reveals a Link Between Aging and Oxidative Stress: A Novel Hypothesis
Zagkle Elisavet, Grosiak Marta, Bauchinger Ulf, Sadowska Edyta T.
Frontiers in Physiology. 2020 11
Is female mate choice repeatable across males with nearly identical songs?
Wang Daiping, Forstmeier Wolfgang, DʼAmelio Pietro B., Martin Katrin, Kempenaers Bart
Animal Behaviour. 2021 181 p.137
Egg development time in the Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata varies with laying order and clutch size
Griffith Simon C., Gilby Amanda J., Schoech Stephan
Ibis. 2013 155(4). p.725
Physiological resonance between mates through calls as possible evidence of empathic processes in songbirds
Perez Emilie C., Elie Julie E., Boucaud Ingrid C.A., Crouchet Thomas, Soulage Christophe O., Soula Hédi A., Theunissen Frédéric E., Vignal Clémentine
Hormones and Behavior. 2015 75 p.130
Wild zebra finches are attracted towards acoustic cues from conspecific social groups
Adrian Corinna, Griffith Simon C, Naguib Marc, Schuett Wiebke, Komdeur Jan
Behavioral Ecology. 2022 33(3). p.556
Sex steroid profiles in zebra finches: Effects of reproductive state and domestication
Prior Nora H., Yap Kang Nian, Mainwaring Mark C., Adomat Hans H., Crino Ondi L., Ma Chunqi, Guns Emma S., Griffith Simon C., Buchanan Katherine L., Soma Kiran K.
General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2017 244 p.108
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