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Journal of BirdLife Australia

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Sea Temperature in Bass Strait and Breeding Success of the Little Penguin Eudyptula minor at Phillip Island, South-eastern Australia

MJ Mickelson, P Dann and JM Cullen
91(5) pp.355 - 368

35 articles found in Crossref database.

The foraging range of Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) during winter
McCutcheon C., Dann P., Salton M., Renwick L., Hoskins A. J., Gormley A. M., Arnould J. P. Y.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2011 111(4). p.321
Detecting regime shifts in marine systems with limited biological data: An example from southeast Australia
Litzow Michael A., Hobday Alistair J., Frusher Stewart D., Dann Peter, Tuck Geoffrey N.
Progress in Oceanography. 2016 141 p.96
Seasonal ocean temperature and the survival of first-year little penguins Eudyptula minor in south-eastern Australia
Sidhu LA, Dann P, Chambers L, Catchpole EA
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2012 454 p.263
Energetic consequences of prey type in little penguins ( Eudyptula minor )
Petrovski Natalie, Sutton Grace J., Arnould John P. Y.
Royal Society Open Science. 2023 10(8).
Little PenguinsEudyptula minorin Victoria: Past, Present and Future
Norman F.I., Cullen J.M., Dann P.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1991 91(5). p.402
Eating locally: Australasian gannets increase their foraging effort in a restricted range
Angel Lauren P., Barker Sophie, Berlincourt Maud, Tew Emma, Warwick-Evans Victoria, Arnould John P. Y.
Biology Open. 2015 4(10). p.1298
Trophic niches of a seabird assemblage in Bass Strait, south-eastern Australia
Fromant Aymeric, Schumann Nicole, Dann Peter, Cherel Yves, Arnould John P.Y.
PeerJ. 2020 8 p.e8700
Validating accelerometry-derived proxies of energy expenditure using the doubly labelled water method in the smallest penguin species
Sutton G. J., Botha J. A., Speakman J. R., Arnould J. P. Y.
Biology Open. 2021 10(4).
Reproductive and electrophoretic evidence for genetic maintenance of dimorphism in the ascidianPyura stoloniferanear Melbourne, Australia
Dalby James E.
Ophelia. 1997 47(3). p.227
Climate fluctuation effects on breeding of blue penguins (Eudyptula minor)
Perriman Lyndon, Houston Dave, Steen Harald, Johannesen Edda
New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 2000 27(4). p.261
Pronounced inter-colony variation in the foraging ecology of Australasian gannets: influence of habitat differences
Angel LP, Berlincourt M, Arnould JPY
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2016 556 p.261
Carry-over body mass effect from winter to breeding in a resident seabird, the little penguin
Salton Marcus, Saraux Claire, Dann Peter, Chiaradia André
Royal Society Open Science. 2015 2(1). p.140390
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Gibbens John, Arnould John P. Y.
Marine Mammal Science. 2009 25(3). p.573
Poorer breeding by little penguins near Perth, Western Australia is correlated with above average sea surface temperatures and a stronger Leeuwin Current
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Conservation Genetics. 2008 9(4). p.893
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Boersma P. Dee, Rebstock Ginger A.
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Peacock L., Paulin M., Darby J.
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Norman F.I., Guesclin P.B. Du, Dann P.
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Journal of Field Ornithology. 2013 84(1). p.69
Negative effects of wind speed on individual foraging performance and breeding success in little penguins
Saraux Claire, Chiaradia André, Salton Marcus, Dann Peter, Viblanc Vincent A.
Ecological Monographs. 2016 86(1). p.61
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Chambers Lynda E., Patterson Toby, Hobday Alistair J., Arnould John P. Y., Tuck Geoffrey N., Wilcox Chris, Dann Peter
Regional Environmental Change. 2015 15(1). p.197
Influence of environmental conditions on foraging behaviour and its consequences on reproductive performance in little penguins
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Marine Biology. 2015 162(7). p.1485
Environmental effects on foraging performance in little penguins: a matter of phenology and short-term variability
Joly NB, Chiaradia A, Georges JY, Saraux C
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Food of Little PenguinsEudyptula minorin Victoria: Comparison of Three Localities between 1985 and 1988
Cullen J.M., Montague T.L., Hull C.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1991 91(5). p.318
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PLOS ONE. 2015 10(12). p.e0144966
Variation in reproductive performance of Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) attributable to double brooding
Agnew Philippa, Houston Dave, Lalas Chris, Wright Janine
Journal of Ornithology. 2014 155(1). p.101
Distribution, Population Trends and Factors Influencing the Population Size of Little Penguins Eudyptula minor on Phillip Island, Victoria
Dann Peter
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1991 91(5). p.263
Breeding success in Southern Australian Little Penguins is negatively correlated with high wind speeds and sea surface temperatures
Johnson Bianca, Colombelli-Négrel Diane
Ornithological Applications. 2021 123(1).
The effect of body condition on the timing and success of breeding in Little Penguins Eudyptula minor
Ibis. 2005 147(3). p.483
Variation in breeding success and survival of little penguins Eudyptula minor in response to environmental variation
Agnew P, Lalas C, Wright J, Dawson S
Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2015 541 p.219
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