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Journal of BirdLife Australia

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The Breeding Biology of the Splendid Fairy-wren Malurus splendens: the Significance of Multiple Broods

I Rowley, M Brooker and E Russell
91(4) pp.197 - 221

26 articles found in Crossref database.

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Magrath Robert D., Leedman Ashley W., Gardner Janet L., Giannasca Anthony, Nathan Anjeli C., Yezerinac Stephen M., Nicholls James A.
The Auk. 2000 117(2). p.479
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Magrath Robert D., Leedman Ashley W., Gardner Janet L., Giannasca Anthony, Nathan Anjeli C., Yezerinac Stephen M., Nicholls James A.
The Auk. 2000 117(2). p.479
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