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Journal of BirdLife Australia

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Dispersal, Survivorship and Demography in the Co-Operatively-Breeding Bell Miner Manorina melanophrys

MF Clarke and CF Heathcote
90(1) pp.15 - 23

30 articles found in Crossref database.

The social and behavioural dynamics of colony expansion in the Bell Miner (Manorina melanophrys)
Dare Amanda J., McDonald Paul G., Clarke Michael F.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2008 108(2). p.175
Complex social organization reflects genetic structure and relatedness in the cooperatively breeding bell miner,Manorina melanophrys
Painter J. N., Crozier R. H., Poiani A., Robertson R. J., Clarke M. F.
Molecular Ecology. 2000 9(9). p.1339
Bell Miners and the Farming Hypothesis—a Comment
Loyn Richard H.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1995 95(2). p.145
Paternity and the Relatedness of Helpers in the Cooperatively Breeding Bell Miner
Conrad Kelvin F., Clarke Michael F., Robertson Raleigh J., Boag Peter T.
The Condor. 1998 100(2). p.343
Spatial Organisation of the Cooperatively Breeding Bell MinerManorina melanophrys
Clarke Michael F., Fitz-Gerald Gary F.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1994 94(2). p.96
Brooding behaviour in the cooperatively breeding Bell Miner (Manorina melanophrys)
Archard Gabrielle A., Robertson Raleigh J., Jones David, Painter Jodie, Crozier Ross, Clarke Michael F.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2006 106(2). p.105
Brood sex ratio does not affect helper effort in a cooperative bird, despite extreme sex-biased dispersal
McDonald Paul G., Ewen John G., Wright Jonathan
Animal Behaviour. 2010 79(1). p.243
Social Structure and the Development of Helping Behaviour in the Bell Miner (Manorina melanophrys, Meliphagidae)
Poiani Aldo
Ethology. 1993 93(1). p.62
Asai Shigeki, Yamagishi Satoshi, Eguchi Kazuhiro
The Auk. 2003 120(3). p.700
Male‐biased sex ratios in broods of the cooperatively breeding bell miner Manorina melanophrys
Clarke Michael F., Jones David A., Ewen John G., Robertson Raleigh J., Griffiths Richard, Painter Jodie, Boag Peter T., Crozier Ross
Journal of Avian Biology. 2002 33(1). p.71
The relative importance of spatial proximity, kin selection and potential ‘greenbeard’ signals on provisioning behaviour among helpers in a cooperative bird
McDonald Paul G., Rollins Lee Ann, Godfrey Stephanie
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 2016 70(1). p.133
Movements of Helmeted Honeyeaters During the Non-breeding Season
Runciman David, Franklin Donald C., Menkhorst Peter W.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1995 95(2). p.111
Provisioning calls of the cooperatively breeding bell miner Manorina melanophrys encode sufficient information for individual discrimination
G. McDonald Paul, F. Heathcote Catherine, F. Clarke Michael, Wright Jonathan, J. N. Kazem Anahita
Journal of Avian Biology. 2007 38(1). p.113
Mortality of Fledgling Females Causes Male Bias in the Sex Ratio of Rufous Vangas (Schetba Rufa) in Madagascar
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The Auk. 2003 120(3). p.700
Provisioning calls of the cooperatively breeding bell miner Manorina melanophrys encode sufficient information for individual discrimination
G. McDonald Paul, F. Heathcote Catherine, F. Clarke Michael, Wright Jonathan, J. N. Kazem Anahita
Journal of Avian Biology. 2007 38(1). p.113
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Ewen John G, Clarke Rohan H, Moysey Emma, Boulton Rebecca L, Crozier Ross H, Clarke Michael F
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Ibis. 2003 145(4). p.611
The Pattern of Helping in the Bell Miner Revisited: A Reply to Jamieson and Craig
Clarke Michael F.
Ethology. 1990 86(3). p.250
Asai Shigeki, Yamagishi Satoshi, Eguchi Kazuhiro
The Auk. 2003 120(3). p.700
Helping effort increases with relatedness in bell miners, but ‘unrelated’ helpers of both sexes still provide substantial care
Wright Jonathan, McDonald Paul G., te Marvelde Luc, Kazem Anahita J. N., Bishop Charles M.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2010 277(1680). p.437
Bell Miners: What Kind of ‘Farmers’ Are They?
Poiani Aldo
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1993 93(3). p.188
Helper contributions to antiparasite behavior in the cooperatively breeding bell miner
Pacheco María L., McDonald Paul G., Wright Jonathan, Kazem Anahita J.N., Clarke Michael F.
Behavioral Ecology. 2008 19(3). p.558
Forest canopy health and stand structure associated with bell miners (Manorina melanophrys) on the central coast of New South Wales
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Australian Forestry. 2008 71(4). p.294
Avian Life Histories: Is Extended Parental Care the Southern Secret?
Russell Eleanor M.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2000 100(5). p.377
The ecological context and consequences of colonisation of a site by bell miners (Manorina melanophrys)
Dare Amanda J., McDonald Paul G., Clarke Michael F.
Wildlife Research. 2007 34(8). p.616
A critical analysis of ‘false-feeding’ behavior in a cooperatively breeding bird: disturbance effects, satiated nestlings or deception?
McDonald Paul G., Kazem Anahita J. N., Wright Jonathan
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 2007 61(10). p.1623
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