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Journal of BirdLife Australia

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Construction and Maintenance of the Incubation Mounds of the Australian Brush-turkey Alectura lathami

DN Jones
88(4) pp.210 - 218

39 articles found in Crossref database.

Field discovery, mound characteristics, bare parts, vocalisations and behaviour of Bruijn's Brush-turkey (Aepypodius bruijnii)
Mauro Iwein
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The Auk. 2004 121(2). p.308
Calorimetric investigations on mound-building birds
Seymour Roger S.
Thermochimica Acta. 1995 250(2). p.319
The biomechanical, chemical and physiological adaptations of the eggs of two Australian megapodes to their nesting strategies and their implications for extinct titanosaur dinosaurs
Journal of Microscopy. 2017 267(2). p.237
The Auk. 2008 125(3). p.594
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Austral Ecology. 2007 32(4). p.378
Temperature Regulation in the Incubation Mounds of the Australian Brush-Turkey
Seymour Roger S., Bradford David F.
The Condor. 1992 94(1). p.134
Hatching Success of the Australian Brush-turkey Alectura lathami in South-east Queensland
Jones Darryl N.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1988 88(4). p.260
Unusual Timing of Copulations in the Australian Brush-Turkey
The Auk. 1999 116(1). p.169
Selection of Incubation Mound Sites by Three Sympatric Megapodes in Papua New Guinea
Sinclair J. Ross
The Condor. 2002 104(2). p.395
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Australian Journal of Zoology. 2006 54(2). p.71
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Fuirst Matthew, Strickland Dan, Norris D. Ryan
Animal Behaviour. 2021 182 p.31
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Selection of Incubation Mound Sites by Three Sympatric Megapodes in Papua New Guinea
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Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2002 102(2). p.151
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Troy Sally, Elgar Mark A.
Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 1991 6(7). p.202
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Ethology. 1990 84(2). p.89
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Journal of The Royal Society Interface. 2021 18(183).
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Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2008 275(1652). p.2703
Ontogeny of social behavior in the megapode Australian brush-turkey (Alectura lathami).
Göth Ann, Jones Darryl N.
Journal of Comparative Psychology. 2003 117(1). p.36
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Is Monogamy in the Polynesian Megapode (Megapodius Pritchardii) Related to its High Relative Egg-Weight?
Göth Ann, Vogel Uwe, Prum R. O.
The Auk. 2004 121(2). p.308
Megapodes: Recent ideas on origins, adaptations and reproduction
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Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 1992 7(3). p.88
The localized environmental degradation of protected areas adjacent to bird feeding stations: a case study of the Australian brush-turkey Alectura lathami
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Journal of Environmental Management. 2004 70(2). p.109
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