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Journal of BirdLife Australia

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Banding recoveries and the dispersal of seabirds breeding in French Austral and Antarctic Territories

H. Weimerskirch, P. Jouventin, J. L. Mougin, J. C. Stahl and Beveren M. Van
85(1) pp.22 - 33

75 articles found in Crossref database.

Recoveries of juvenile Giant Petrels in regions of ocean productivity: potential implications for population change
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Linking demographic processes and foraging ecology in wandering albatross—Conservation implications
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Journal of Animal Ecology. 2018 87(4). p.945
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Waugh Susan M., Weimerskirch Henri, Moore Peter J., Sagar Paul M.
Ibis. 1999 141(2). p.216
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Ice Edges and Seabird Occurrence in Antarctica
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Reconsidering connectivity in the sub‐Antarctic
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Taxonomic Affinities of Audubon's Shearwater from Europa Island
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Connan Maëlle, Teske Peter R., Tree Anthony J., Whittington Philip A., McQuaid Christopher D.
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The Avifauna of the Kerguelen Islands
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Homing in pelagic birds: a pilot experiment with white-chinned petrels released in the open sea
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Long- and short-term influence of environment on recruitment in a species with highly delayed maturity
Nevoux Marie, Weimerskirch Henri, Barbraud Christophe
Oecologia. 2010 162(2). p.383
Lifetime foraging patterns of the wandering albatross: Life on the move!
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Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2014 450 p.68
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Journal of Animal Ecology. 2011 80(1). p.89
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Morphometric variability on a microgeographical scale in two inshore seabirds
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Comparative ecology of the six albatross species breeding on the Crozet Islands
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Interdecadal changes in at‐sea distribution and abundance of subantarctic seabirds along a latitudinal gradient in the Southern Indian Ocean
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Petry Maria Virginia, Fonseca Vanda Simone da Silva, Scherer Angelo Luís
Polar Biology. 2007 30(3). p.321
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The American Naturalist. 2007 170(5). p.734
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Thiebot Jean-Baptiste, Demay Jérémie, Marteau Cédric, Weimerskirch Henri
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Adoption in the emperor penguin, Aptenodytes forsteri
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Using carbon and nitrogen isotopic values of body feathers to infer inter- and intra-individual variations of seabird feeding ecology during moult
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Life‐history variations of the Lesser Sheathbill Chionis minor in contrasting habitats
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Dispersal in the sub-Antarctic: king penguins show remarkably little population genetic differentiation across their range
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Population-specific wintering distributions of adult south polar skuas over three oceans
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Development and maturation of plumage in the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans
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Postnatal dispersal of wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans: implications for the conservation of the species
Weimerskirch Henri, Åkesson Susanne, Pinaud David
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Rapid radiation of Southern Ocean shags in response to receding sea ice
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Long and Short Trips in Nonbreeding Buller's Albatrosses: Relationships with Colony Attendance and Body Mass
Stahl Jean-Claude, Sagar Paul M.
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Differences in metabolic costs of terrestrial mobility in two closely related species of albatross
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The challenges of detecting subtle population structure and its importance for the conservation of emperor penguins
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Assessing the impact of fisheries, climate and disease on the dynamics of the Indian yellow-nosed Albatross
Rolland Virginie, Barbraud Christophe, Weimerskirch Henri
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Taxonomic Affinities of Audubon's Shearwater from Europa Island
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Foraging Ranges and Partitioning of Feeding Zones in Three Species of Southern Albatrosses
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Global relationships amongst black‐browed and grey‐headed albatrosses: analysis of population structure using mitochondrial DNA and microsatellites
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Genetic population structure of black‐browed and Campbell albatrosses, and implications for assigning provenance of birds killed in fisheries
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Combined effects of fisheries and climate on a migratory long‐lived marine predator
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Comparative population genomics reveals key barriers to dispersal in Southern Ocean penguins
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Population dynamics of wandering albatross Diomedea exulans and Amsterdam albatross D. amsterdamensis in the Indian Ocean and their relationships with long-line fisheries: Conservation implications
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Emigration in emperor penguins: implications for interpretation of long‐term studies
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Intra-sex vocal interactions in two hybridizing seabird species (Puffinus sp.)
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Acoustic cues used for species recognition can differ between sexes and sibling species: evidence in shearwaters
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Postnatal dispersal of wandering albatrosses Diomedea exulans: implications for the conservation of the species
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Foraging zones of the two sibling species of giant petrels in the Indian Ocean throughout the annual cycle: implication for their conservation
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Dispersal and metapopulation dynamics of an oceanic seabird, the wandering albatross, and its consequences for its response to long‐line fisheries
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Oceanic respite for wandering albatrosses
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