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Journal of BirdLife Australia

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Interspecific aggression within the Genus Manorina

MF Clarke
84(2) pp.113 - 115

17 articles found in Crossref database.

Anti-predator Behaviour in the Bell MinerManorina melanophrys
Poiani Aldo
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1991 91(3). p.164
Avifaunal disarray: quantifying models of the occurrence and ecological effects of a despotic bird species
Thomson James R., Maron Martine, Grey Merilyn J., Catterall Carla P., Major Richard E., Oliver Damon L., Clarke Michael F., Loyn Richard H., Davidson Ian, Ingwersen Dean, Robinson Doug, Kutt Alex, MacDonald Michael A., Mac Nally Ralph, Andersen Alan
Diversity and Distributions. 2015 21(4). p.451
Helping as a signal and the effect of a potential audience during provisioning visits in a cooperative bird
McDonald Paul G., te Marvelde Luc, Kazem Anahita J.N., Wright Jonathan
Animal Behaviour. 2008 75(4). p.1319
Why have birds in the woodlands of Southern Australia declined?
Ford Hugh A, Barrett Geoffrey W, Saunders Denis A, Recher Harry F
Biological Conservation. 2001 97(1). p.71
The native versus alien dichotomy: relative impact of native noisy miners and introduced common mynas
Haythorpe Kathryn M., Burke Darren, Sulikowski Danielle
Biological Invasions. 2014 16(8). p.1659
Stop the bullying in the corridors: Can including shrubs make your revegetation more Noisy Miner free?
Hastings Richard A., Beattie Andrew J.
Ecological Management & Restoration. 2006 7(2). p.105
Removal of bell miners Manorina melanophrys from Eucalyptus radiata forest and its effect on avian diversity, psyllids and tree health
Clarke Michael F, Schedvin Natasha
Biological Conservation. 1999 88(1). p.111
Investigating avian competition for surface water in an arid zone bioregion
Votto Simon E., Schlesinger Christine, Dyer Fiona, Caron Valerie, Davis Jenny
Ecology and Evolution. 2023 13(8).
The Pattern of Helping in the Bell Miner (Manorina melanophrys)
Clarke Michael F.
Ethology. 1989 80(1-4). p.292
Asymmetrical competition between the bell miner (Manorina melanophrys, Meliphagidae) and other honeyeaters: evidence from Southeastern Victoria, Australia
Poiani A., Rogers A., Rogers K., Rogers D.
Oecologia. 1990 85(2). p.250
Bell Miners: What Kind of ‘Farmers’ Are They?
Poiani Aldo
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1993 93(3). p.188
Fine‐scale impacts on avian biodiversity due to a despotic species, the bell miner (Manorina melanophrys)
Leseberg Nicholas P., Lambert Kathryn T. A., McDonald Paul G.
Austral Ecology. 2015 40(3). p.245
Avifaunal disarray due to a single despotic species
Maron Martine, Grey Merilyn J., Catterall Carla P., Major Richard E., Oliver Damon L., Clarke Michael F., Loyn Richard H., Mac Nally Ralph, Davidson Ian, Thomson James R., Andersen Alan
Diversity and Distributions. 2013 19(12). p.1468
Do miners (Manorina spp.) affect bird assemblages in continuous savanna woodlands in north‐eastern Australia?
Austral Ecology. 2012 37(7). p.779
Complex social organization reflects genetic structure and relatedness in the cooperatively breeding bell miner,Manorina melanophrys
Painter J. N., Crozier R. H., Poiani A., Robertson R. J., Clarke M. F.
Molecular Ecology. 2000 9(9). p.1339
Co-operative breeding by the Australian Bell Miner Manorina melanophrys Latham: A test of kin selection theory
Clarke Micheal F.
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 1984 14(2). p.137
Spatial Organisation of the Cooperatively Breeding Bell MinerManorina melanophrys
Clarke Michael F., Fitz-Gerald Gary F.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1994 94(2). p.96
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