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Journal of BirdLife Australia

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Origin, evolution and speciation of birds specialized to mangroves in Australia

J Ford
82(1) pp.12 - 23

32 articles found in Crossref database.

Hybrid Zones in Australian Birds
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Buelow Christina A., Baker Ronald, Reside April E., Sheaves Marcus
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Niche differentiation and spatial partitioning in the evolution of two Australian monsoon tropical tree species
Edwards Robert D., Crisp Michael D., Cook Lyn G., Bowman David
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Resource Partitioning by Mangrove Bird Communities in North Australia
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The effect of the surrounding landscape matrix on mangrove bird community assembly in north Australia
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Glacial origin of bat ensembles in tropical Western Australia
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Biogeography of the Australian monsoon tropics
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A Cut-and-paste Community: Birds of Monsoon Rainforests in Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory
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Habitat associations of zoophagic bat ensembles in north-western Australia
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Kearns Anna M., Joseph Leo, Cook Lyn G.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2013 66(3). p.941
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Buelow Christina, Sheaves Marcus
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2015 152 p.33
Comparative phylogeography of Australo-Papuan mangrove-restricted and mangrove-associated avifaunas
Nyári Árpád S., Joseph Leo
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2013 109(3). p.574
Avian species assemblages in African mangrove forests
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Ostrich. 2024 95(2). p.71
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