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Journal of BirdLife Australia

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Bird populations in a mixed Eucalypt forest used for production of wood in Gippsland, Victoria

RH Loyn
80(3) pp.145 - 156

56 articles found in Crossref database.

Density of Birds in Eucalypt Woodland Affected to Varying Degrees by Dieback
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Management of exotic pine plantations in northeast Queensland for goshawks
Burton Andrew M., Olsen Penny
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Ecology of Brown and Striated Thornbills in Forests of South-eastern New South Wales, with Comments on Forest Management
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Avifauna changes along a Eucalyptus regeneration gradient
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Breeding birds in the tropical rain forests of Kibale National Park, Uganda
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Foraging Ecology of Some Insectivorous and Nectarivorous Species of Birds in Forests and Woodlands of the Wet-Dry Tropics of Australia
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Designing old forest for the future: Old trees as habitat for birds in forests of Mountain Ash Eucalyptus regnans
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Breeding birds in the tropical rain forests of Kibale National Park, Uganda
Dranzoa Christine
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Thinning, fire and birds in Boola Boola State Forest, Victoria, Australia
Barr Rachel, Wright Wendy, Rayment Philip
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Bird population responses to wildfire and planned burns in foothill forests of Victoria, Australia
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Prescribed burn severity has minimal effect on common bird species in a fire-prone forest ecosystem
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From clearfell coupe to old-growth forest: Succession of bird assemblages in Tasmanian lowland wet eucalypt forests
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Habitat Selection by the White-eared Honeyeater. I. Review of Habitat Studies
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‘Ecologically complex carbon’- linking biodiversity values, carbon storage and habitat structure in some austral temperate forests
Hatanaka Narelle, Wright Wendy, Loyn Richard H., Mac Nally Ralph
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Influence of fire regime and other habitat factors on a eucalypt forest bird community in south-eastern Australia in the 1980s
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Territorial Bell Miners and Other Birds Affecting Populations of Insect Prey
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Vertebrate species assemblages and species sensitivity to logging in the forests of north-eastern New South Wales
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Habitat Selection by the White-eared Honeyeater. II. A Case Study at Yellingbo State Nature Reserve, South-east Victoria
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Eucalypt plantations as habitat for birds on previously cleared farmland in south-eastern Australia
Loyn Richard H., McNabb Edward G., Macak Phoebe, Noble Philippa
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