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Journal of BirdLife Australia

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Social Organization of Bell Miners

AJ Smith and BI Robertson
78(4) pp.169 - 178

38 articles found in Crossref database.

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Painter J. N., Crozier R. H., Poiani A., Robertson R. J., Clarke M. F.
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The social and behavioural dynamics of colony expansion in the Bell Miner (Manorina melanophrys)
Dare Amanda J., McDonald Paul G., Clarke Michael F.
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Spatial Organisation of the Cooperatively Breeding Bell MinerManorina melanophrys
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Foraging guild perturbations and ecological homogenization driven by a despotic native bird species
Howes Alison, Mac Nally Ralph, Loyn Richard, Kath Jarrod, Bowen Michiala, McAlpine Clive, Maron Martine, Lens Luc
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The Pattern of Helping in the Bell Miner (Manorina melanophrys)
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The ecological context and consequences of colonisation of a site by bell miners (Manorina melanophrys)
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Influence of the yellow-throated miner (Manorina flavigula) on bird communities and tree health in a fragmented landscape
O'Loughlin Thea, O'Loughlin Luke S., Clarke Michael F.
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Methods for sexing and ageing the Bell Miner Manorina melanophrys
Clarke Michael F., Heathcote Catherine F.
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Asymmetrical competition between the bell miner (Manorina melanophrys, Meliphagidae) and other honeyeaters: evidence from Southeastern Victoria, Australia
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Anti-predator Behaviour in the Bell MinerManorina melanophrys
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Stone Christine, Kathuria Amrit, Carney Catherine, Hunter John
Australian Forestry. 2008 71(4). p.294
Fine‐scale impacts on avian biodiversity due to a despotic species, the bell miner (Manorina melanophrys)
Leseberg Nicholas P., Lambert Kathryn T. A., McDonald Paul G.
Austral Ecology. 2015 40(3). p.245
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McDonald Paul G., te Marvelde Luc, Kazem Anahita J.N., Wright Jonathan
Animal Behaviour. 2008 75(4). p.1319
High densities of bell miners Manorina melanophrys associated with reduced diversity of other birds in wet eucalypt forest: Potential for adaptive management
Kemmerer Ernst P., Shields Jim M., Tidemann Christopher R.
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Placement of re-nests following predation: are birds managing risk?
Beckmann Christa, McDonald Paul G.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2016 116(1). p.9
A review of eucalypt dieback associated with bell miner habitat in south-eastern Australia
Wardell-Johnson Grant, Stone Christine, Recher Harry, Lynch A. Jasmyn J.
Australian Forestry. 2005 68(4). p.231
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