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Journal of BirdLife Australia

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Indiscriminate interspecific aggression leading to almost sole occupancy of space by a single species of bird

DD Dow
77(3) pp.115 - 121

106 articles found in Crossref database.

A micro-geography of fear: learning to eavesdrop on alarm calls of neighbouring heterospecifics
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Influence of remnant and landscape attributes on Australian woodland bird communities
Major Richard E., Christie Fiona J., Gowing Greg
Biological Conservation. 2001 102(1). p.47
Fragmentation in eucalypt woodlands promotes nest‐tree occupancy by a despotic species, the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala)
Barati Ahmad, Etezadifar Farzaneh, McDonald Paul G.
Austral Ecology. 2016 41(8). p.897
Location and caller familiarity influence mobbing behaviour and the likely ecological impact of noisy miners around colony edges
Kern Julie M., McDonald Paul G.
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To what are woodland birds responding? Inference on relative importance of in‐site habitat variables using several ensemble habitat modelling techniques
Yen Jian D. L., Thomson James R., Vesk Peter A., Mac Nally Ralph
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What do museum specimens tell us about the impact of urbanisation? A comparison of the recent and historical bird communities of Sydney
Major Richard E., Parsons Holly
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2010 110(1). p.92
An ecological paradox: More woodland predators and less artificial nest predation in landscapes colonized by noisy miners
Robertson Oliver, Maron Martine, Buckley Yvonne, House Alan, McAlpine Clive
Austral Ecology. 2014 39(3). p.255
Foraging guild perturbations and ecological homogenization driven by a despotic native bird species
Howes Alison, Mac Nally Ralph, Loyn Richard, Kath Jarrod, Bowen Michiala, McAlpine Clive, Maron Martine, Lens Luc
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Eucalypt plantations as habitat for birds on previously cleared farmland in south-eastern Australia
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Spatial Organisation of the Cooperatively Breeding Bell MinerManorina melanophrys
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Assessing trade-offs in avian behaviour using remotely collected data from a webcam
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Bayesian Networks and Adaptive Management of Wildlife Habitat
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Relative influence of habitat modification and interspecific competition on woodland bird assemblages in eastern Australia
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A reverse keystone species affects the landscape distribution of woodland avifauna: a case study using the Noisy Miner (Manorina melanocephala) and other Australian birds
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Avifaunal disarray: quantifying models of the occurrence and ecological effects of a despotic bird species
Thomson James R., Maron Martine, Grey Merilyn J., Catterall Carla P., Major Richard E., Oliver Damon L., Clarke Michael F., Loyn Richard H., Davidson Ian, Ingwersen Dean, Robinson Doug, Kutt Alex, MacDonald Michael A., Mac Nally Ralph, Andersen Alan
Diversity and Distributions. 2015 21(4). p.451
Short‐term response of a declining woodland bird assemblage to the removal of a despotic competitor
Davitt Galen, Maute Kimberly, Major Richard E., McDonald Paul G., Maron Martine
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Small Birds, Lerp-Feeding and the Problem of Honeyeaters
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The noisy neighbor conundrum: what influences the value of urban sites for forest birds?
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Effects of remnant size and connectivity on the response of Brown Treecreepers to habitat fragmentation
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Radical changes in the avifauna of a Sydney suburb, 1971–2014
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Influence of Interspecific Competition and Landscape Structure on Spatial Homogenization of Avian Assemblages
Robertson Oliver J., McAlpine Clive, House Alan, Maron Martine, A. Driscoll Don
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Impacts of picnic areas on bird assemblages and nest predation activity within Australian eucalypt forests
Piper Scott D., Catterall Carla P.
Landscape and Urban Planning. 2006 78(3). p.251
An experimental test of a compensatory nest predation model following lethal control of an overabundant native species
Beggs Richard, Pierson Jennifer, Tulloch Ayesha I.T., Blanchard Wade, Westgate Martin J., Lindenmayer David
Biological Conservation. 2019 231 p.122
Comparison of atlas data to determine the conservation status of bird species in New South Wales, with an emphasis on woodland-dependent species
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Why have birds in the woodlands of Southern Australia declined?
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Despotic, high‐impact species and the subcontinental scale control of avian assemblage structure
Mac Nally Ralph, Bowen Michiala, Howes Alison, McAlpine Clive A., Maron Martine
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An experimental study of the translocation of noisy miners Manorina melanocephala and difficulties associated with dispersal
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Nestedness in fragmented landscapes: birds of the box‐ironbark forests of south‐eastern Australia
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Nesting, foraging and aggression of Noisy Miners relative to road edges in an extensive Queensland forest
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Repeated experimental removals unveil sex and age-specific dispersal strategies in a social passerine bird
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Avifaunal disarray due to a single despotic species
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Context dependency in interference competition among birds in an endangered woodland ecosystem
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