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Journal of BirdLife Australia

Articles citing this paper

Breeding biology of the Australian Spur-winged Plover

D.G. Thomas
69(2) pp.81 - 102

14 articles found in Crossref database.

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Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2008 108(2). p.115
Breeding of the Banded and Masked Lapwings in Southern Victoria
Dann Peter
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1981 81(3). p.121
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Pyke Graham H., Szabo Judit K.
Pacific Conservation Biology. 2018 24(2). p.148
Analysis of Nest-Records of the Willie Wagtail
Marchant S.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1974 74(3). p.149
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Miller Edward H., Kostoglou Kristal N., Wilson David R., Weston Michael A.
Behaviour. 2022 159(8-9). p.699
Shorebirds (1984)
Walters Jeffrey R.
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Kostoglou Kristal N., Miller Edward H., Weston Michael A., Wilson David R.
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Fluctuation of Numbers of Waders in South-Eastern Tasmania
Thomas D. G.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1970 70(2). p.79
Shorebirds (1984)
Gochfeld Michael
Clutch Size and Evolution in the Charadrii
MacLean Gordon L.
The Auk. 1972 89(2). p.299
Biogeography and Ecology in Tasmania (1974)
Thomas D. G.
Geographical Variation in Waders (1998)
Engelmoer Meinte, Roselaar Cees S.
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Animals. 2013 3(3). p.754
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