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Journal of BirdLife Australia

Articles citing this paper

Seasonal movements and geographic variations in the Australian wood-swallows (Artamidae)

A. Keast
58(3) pp.207 - 218

11 articles found in Crossref database.

Movements and Breeding Seasons of the Budgerigar
Wyndham Edmund
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1983 82(sup1). p.276
Hybrid Zones in Australian Birds
Ford Julian
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1987 87(3). p.158
Sustained plumage divergence despite weak genomic differentiation and broad sympatry in sister species of Australian woodswallows (Artamus spp.)
Peñalba Joshua V., Peters Jeffrey L., Joseph Leo
Molecular Ecology. 2022 31(19). p.5060
Hybridization Between the White-Vented and Black-Vented Forms of the Black-Faced Woodswallow
Ford Julian
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1978 78(3). p.105
Biogeography and Ecology in Australia (1959)
Keast Allen
Type Specimens of Birds in the American Museum of Natural History Part 12. Passeriformes: Ploceidae, Sturnidae, Buphagidae, Oriolidae, Dicruridae, Callaeidae, Grallinidae, Corcoracidae, Artamidae, Cracticidae, Ptilonorhynchidae, Cnemophilidae, Paradisaeidae, and Corvidae
LeCroy Mary
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 2014 393 p.1
Variation in the Black-faced Wood-swallow
Macdonald J. D.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1967 66(4). p.341
Lack of phylogeographic structure in three widespread Australian birds reinforces emerging challenges in Australian historical biogeography
Joseph Leo, Wilke Thomas
Journal of Biogeography. 2007 34(4). p.612
Implications of mitochondrial DNA polyphyly in two ecologically undifferentiated but morphologically distinct migratory birds, the masked and white‐browed woodswallows Artamus spp. of inland Australia
Joseph Leo, Wilke Thomas, Ten Have José, Terry Chesser R.
Journal of Avian Biology. 2006 37(6). p.625
Birds of the Milparinka District and Cooper Creek Basin
Wyndham E.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1978 78(4). p.179
Beobachtungen an Schwalbenstaren
Immelmann Klaus
Journal für Ornithologie. 1966 107(1). p.37
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