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Journal of BirdLife Australia

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The Birds of Lord Howe Island

K.A. Hindwood
40(1) pp.1 - 86

63 articles found in Crossref database.

Aspects of the biology of the Japanese snipe Gallinago hardwickii
Australian Journal of Ecology. 1977 2(3). p.341
Additional Notes on the Birds of Lord Howe Island
McKean John L., Hindwood K. A.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1965 64(2). p.78
Decline in the distribution and abundance of flesh-footed shearwaters (Puffinus carneipes) on Lord Howe Island, Australia
Priddel David, Carlile Nicholas, Fullagar Peter, Hutton Ian, O’Neill Lisa
Biological Conservation. 2006 128(3). p.412
The Biology of an Endangered Species, the Dark-Rumped Petrel (Pterodroma phaeopygia), in the Galapagos Islands
Harris Michael P.
The Condor. 1970 72(1). p.76
Conservation of the surface-nesting Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta neglecta in the South Pacific: clarifying breeding ecology and the threat of avian ground predators
Carlile Nicholas, O’Dwyer Terence
Bird Conservation International. 2023 33
A Record of Cook's Petrel in Australian Waters
McGill Arnold R.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1955 55(3). p.191
Assessing multiple threats to seabird populations using flesh-footed shearwaters Ardenna carneipes on Lord Howe Island, Australia as case study
Wilcox Chris, Carlile Nicholas, Hardesty Britta Denise, Reid Tim
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Ibis. 1962 103B(2). p.107
Reducing the rat threat to island birds
Moors P. J., Atkinson I. A. E., Sherley G. H.
Bird Conservation International. 1992 2(2). p.93
Australian Mud Nest Builders
Amadon Dean
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Re-appearance of the White-winged Black Tern on the Queensland Coast
Amiet L.
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A Record of the Masked Gannet in New South Wales
McKean John L., Moroney D.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1966 65(3). p.163
Little Shearwaters, Puffinus assimilis assimilis, breeding on Lord Howe Island
Priddel David, Hutton Ian, Carlile Nicholas, Bester Adam
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2003 103(1). p.67
Comments on the Subspecies of Australian Native and Introduced Finches
Boles Walter E.
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Reassembling island ecosystems: the case of Lord Howe Island
Hutton I., Parkes J. P., Sinclair A. R. E.
Animal Conservation. 2007 10(1). p.22
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Occurence of the Little Bittern on Lord Howe Island
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Rehabilitation of an endangered Australian bird: The Lord Howe Island woodhen Tricholimnas sylvestris (Sclater)
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Marzluff John M., Ewing Kern
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Population densities and conservation status of Norfolk Island forest birds
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The Mongolian Sand-Dotterel in Australia
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Molecular data contradicts historical records and cautions translocation of the Lord Howe Island masked owl
Hogan Fiona E., Campbell Catriona, Harrison Katherine A., Milledge David, Cooke Raylene
Biological Conservation. 2013 159 p.313
Albatrosses and petrels in Australia: a review of their conservation and management
Baker G. Barry, Gales Rosemary, Hamilton Sheryl, Wilkinson Victoria
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2002 102(1). p.71
Emergence, growth, ageing and provisioning of Providence Petrel (Pterodroma solandri) chicks: implications for translocation
Binder Daniela, Priddel David, Carlile Nicholas, Kingsford Richard T.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2013 113(1). p.33
A phylogenetic analysis of the Gruiformes (Aves) based on morphological characters, with an emphasis on the rails (Rallidae)
Livezey B. C.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences. 1998 353(1378). p.2077
Unravelling the Knots
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Catastrophic disturbance and vegetation on Little Slope, Lord Howe Island
Australian Journal of Ecology. 1982 7(2). p.161
Preventing the Extinction of the Lord Howe Woodhen (Hypotaenidia sylvestris) through Predator Eradication and Population Augmentation
Portelli Dean, Carlile Nicholas
Ornithological Science. 2020 18(2). p.169
Birds of the Five Islands
Keast J. A.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1943 42(3). p.133
Arboreal nesting and utilization of open-cup bird nests by introduced Ship Rats Rattus rattus on an oceanic island
Bird Conservation International. 2010 20(1). p.34
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A Terrestrial Vertebrate Palaeontological Reconnaissance of Lord Howe Island, Australia
Hume Julian P., Hutton Ian, Middleton Greg, Nguyen Jacqueline M.T., Wylie John
Pacific Science. 2021 75(1).
Population genetic and behavioural variation of the two remaining colonies of Providence petrel (Pterodroma solandri)
Lombal Anicee J., Wenner Theodore J., Carlile Nicholas, Austin Jeremy J., Woehler Eric, Priddel David, Burridge Christopher P.
Conservation Genetics. 2017 18(1). p.117
Case 3754 – Circus assimilis Jardine & Selby, 1828 and Circus approximans Peale, 1848 (Aves, Accipitriformes): conservation of usage by designation of a neotype for Circus assimilis Jardine & Selby, 1828, and suppression of Circus juxta, Peale, 1848
Debus Stephen J.S., McAllan Ian A.W., Schodde Richard
The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. 2018 75(1). p.207
The hazards of persistent marine pollution: drift plastics and conservation islands
Gregory Murray R
Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. 1991 21(2). p.83
Birds of the World (2023)
Kirwan Guy M., Cheke Robert, Mann Clive, Billerman Shawn M., Keeney Brooke K., Rodewald Paul G., Schulenberg Thomas S., Sly Nicholas D.
John Hunter: A Naturalist and Artist of the First Fleet
Hindwood K. A.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1965 65(2). p.83
Breeding biology of the Black-winged Petrel,Pterodroma nigripennis, on Lord Howe Island
Hutton Ian, Priddel David
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2002 102(4). p.361
The palatability of the eggs of birds: mainly based upon observations of an Egg Panel
Cott Hugh B.
Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1954 124(2). p.335
Human-Assisted Invasions of Pacific Islands by Litoria Frogs: A Case Study of the Bleating Tree Frog on Lord Howe Island
Plenderleith T. Lynette, Smith Katie L., Donnellan Stephen C., Reina Richard D., Chapple David G., Patterson Heather M.
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A biological survey of Lord Howe Island with recommendations for the conservation of the island's wildlife
Recher Harry F., Clark Stephen S.
Biological Conservation. 1974 6(4). p.263
Restoration of Fragmented Landscapes for the Conservation of Birds: A General Framework and Specific Recommendations for Urbanizing Landscapes
Marzluff John M., Ewing Kern
Restoration Ecology. 2001 9(3). p.280
Notes on the Birds of Lord Howe Island
Hindwood K. A., Cunningham J. M.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1950 50(1). p.23
The Blue-faced Finch in Australia
Hindwood K. A.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1948 48(1). p.53
Conserving Marine Environments (2003)
Priddel David
Does population viability analysis software predict the behaviour of real populations? A retrospective study on the Lord Howe Island woodhen Tricholimnas sylvestris (Sclater)
Brook Barry W., Lim Leong, Harden Robert, Frankham Richard
Biological Conservation. 1997 82(2). p.119
Dispersal and speciation in purple swamphens (Rallidae:Porphyrio)
Garcia-R. Juan C., Trewick Steve A.
The Auk. 2015 132(1). p.140
Changing fortunes of the Black-winged Petrel Pterodroma nigripennis following the Lord Howe Island Rodent Eradication Project - interactions with other recovering species
O’Dwyer Terence, Carlile Nicholas, O’Neill Lisa, Halpin Luke R.
Bird Conservation International. 2023 33
Review of the Smaller Pacific Forms of Pterodroma and Cookilaria
Falla R. A.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1942 42(2). p.111
Evaluating the susceptibility of invasive black rats (Rattus rattus) and house mice (Mus musculus) to brodifacoum as a prelude to rodent eradication on Lord Howe Island
Wheeler Robert, Priddel David, O’Dwyer Terence, Carlile Nicholas, Portelli Dean, Wilkinson Ian
Biological Invasions. 2019 21(3). p.833
Disruption of recruitment in two endemic palms on Lord Howe Island by invasive rats
Auld Tony D., Hutton Ian, Ooi Mark K. J., Denham Andrew J.
Biological Invasions. 2010 12(9). p.3351
The Brown-headed Petrel in Australian Waters
McGill Arnold R.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1955 55(2). p.127
Austral Ark (2014)
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The Large Sand-Dotterel Near Sydney
Hindwood K. A.
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Responses of Pterodroma Petrels to Man-made Sounds
Warham John
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1988 88(2). p.109
Feral cats on Stewart Island; their foods, and their effects on kakapo
Karl B.J., Best H.A.
New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 1982 9(2). p.287
Evolution of Flightlessness in Rails (Gruiformes: Rallidae): Phylogenetic, Ecomorphological, and Ontogenetic Perspectives
Livezey Bradley C.
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Global patterns in the establishment and distribution of exotic birds
Case Ted J.
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Breeding biology of Masked Boobies (Sula dactylatra tasmani) on Lord Howe Island, Australia
Priddel David, Hutton Ian, Olson Samantha, Wheeler Robert
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2005 105(2). p.105
Taxonomy and taphonomy of Pliocene bulimoid land snails from Māngere, northern New Zealand, with descriptions of a new genus and two new species (Gastropoda: Bothriembryontidae: Placostylinae)
Brook Fred J., Hayward Bruce W.
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 2022 65(3). p.491
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