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Journal of BirdLife Australia

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Notes on some North Queensland birds

W. MacGillivray
13(3) pp.132 - 186

31 articles found in Crossref database.

Breeding Biology of the Brown-backed HoneyeaterRamsayornis modestus(Meliphagidae) in northern Queensland
Maher William J.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1988 88(3). p.190
The breeding biology of palm cockatoos (Probosciger aterrimus): a case of a slow life history
Murphy Stephen, Legge Sarah, Heinsohn Robert
Journal of Zoology. 2003 261(4). p.327
Waders of the Interior of North-west Queensland
Liddy John
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1960 60(3). p.203
Ecology and breeding biology of a tropical bird, the Lovely Fairy-Wren (Malurus amabilis)
Leitão Ana V., Hall Michelle L., Venables Brian, Mulder Raoul A.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2019 119(1). p.1
Reproductive parameters of the grey goshawk (Accipiter novaehollandiae) and brown goshawk (Accipiter fasciatus) at Abergowrie, northern Queensland, Australia
Burton A. M., Alford R. A., Young J.
Journal of Zoology. 1994 232(3). p.347
Distribution, Status, Movements and Breeding of the Grey Falcon Falco Hypoleucos
Olsen Penny D., Olsen Jerry
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1986 86(1). p.47
Some observations on the Red-necked Rail
Gill R. G.
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Distribution and Taxonomy of Some Birds from South-Western Queensland
Ford Julian, Parker S. A.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1974 74(3). p.177
Type Specimens of Birds in the American Museum of Natural History Part 12. Passeriformes: Ploceidae, Sturnidae, Buphagidae, Oriolidae, Dicruridae, Callaeidae, Grallinidae, Corcoracidae, Artamidae, Cracticidae, Ptilonorhynchidae, Cnemophilidae, Paradisaeidae, and Corvidae
LeCroy Mary
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 2014 393 p.1
The Atherton Scrub-WrenSericornis KeriMathews: A Neglected Australian Species
Galbraith I. C. J., Parker S. A.
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The Effect of Cyclone ‘Simon’ on Terns Nesting on One Tree Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia
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Speciatjon in the Colluricincla Harmonica Complex.
Macdonald J. D.
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The Purple-Crowned Pigeon at Townsville, Q.
Lavery H. J., Grimes R. J.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1974 74(1). p.53
Type Specimens of Birds in the American Museum of Natural History Part 9. Passeriformes: Zosteropidae and Meliphagidae
LeCroy Mary
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. 2011 348 p.1
The Distribution of Several Species in North-west Queensland
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Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1963 62(4). p.257
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Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1973 73(3). p.81
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Draffan R.D.W., Garnett S.T., Malone G.J.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1983 83(4). p.207
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Noske Richard A., Mulyani Yeni A., Lloyd Penn
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Gannon G. R.
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The Silver Gull
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Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1963 63(2). p.99
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Aumann T.
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The Birds of Raine Island, Pandora Cay and Murray Island Sandbank, North Queensland
Warham John
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The foraging behaviour of Australian honeyeaters: a review and some comparisons with hummingbirds
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Nye Errol R., Dickman Chris R., Kingsford Richard T.
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Parker S. A.
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Ecology Letters. 2022 25(4). p.766
A note on the distribution of wrens
Liddy John
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 1964 63(4). p.332
Biology and Geology of Coral Reefs (1976)
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