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Journal of BirdLife Australia

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Large-scale bird-movement patterns evident in eastern Australian atlas data

Peter A. Griffioen and Michael F. Clarke
102(1) pp.99 - 125

74 articles found in Crossref database.

Exploring the ecological processes driving geographical patterns of breeding bird richness in British Columbia, Canada
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Winter habitat use by the endangered, migratory Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor) in New South Wales
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Zoologica Scripta. 2014 43(3). p.235
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PLOS ONE. 2016 11(1). p.e0147285
Abundance patterns across months and locations, and their differences between migrant and resident landbirds in lowland subtropical eucalypt forest
Farmer Debbie, Catterall Carla P., Piper Scott D.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2004 104(3). p.283
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Greenwood Jeremy J. D.
Journal of Ornithology. 2007 148(S1). p.77
The power to detect regional declines in common bird populations using continental monitoring data
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Ecological Applications. 2019 29(5).
Moult in captive partially migratory and sedentary Australian silvereyes (Zosterops lateralis) (Zosteropidae)
Munro Ursula, Funnell Julie R., Thomson Audrey S.
Journal of Ornithology. 2006 147(2). p.287
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Ashley Lisa C., Major Richard E., Taylor Charlotte E.
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Daily and seasonal activity patterns of partially migratory and nonmigratory subspecies of the Australian silvereye, Zosterops lateralis, in captivity
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Australian Zoologist. 2007 34(1). p.37
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Altered timing of avian movements in a peri-urban environment and its relationship to climate
Chambers Lynda E.
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Landscape context affects honeyeater communities and their foraging behaviour in Australia: implications for plant pollination
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Landscape Ecology. 2012 27(3). p.393
Breeding biology of the Grey Shrike-thrush (Colluricincla harmonica)
Stevens Helen C., Watson David M.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2005 105(3). p.223
Novel methods reveal shifts in migration phenology of barn swallows in South Africa
Altwegg Res, Broms Kristin, Erni Birgit, Barnard Phoebe, Midgley Guy F., Underhill Les G.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2012 279(1733). p.1485
Birds and Roads: Reduced Transit for Smaller Species over Roads within an Urban Environment
Johnson Christopher D., Evans Daryl, Jones Darryl
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 2017 5
Modelling species distributions in dynamic landscapes: The importance of the temporal dimension
Andrew Margaret E., Fox Elizabeth
Journal of Biogeography. 2020 47(7). p.1510
Prospects for monitoring bird migration along the East Asian‐Australasian Flyway using weather radar
Shi Xu, Hu Cheng, Soderholm Joshua, Chapman Jason, Mao Huafeng, Cui Kai, Ma Zhijun, Wu Dongli, Fuller Richard A., Lecours Vincent, Laurin Gaia Vaglio
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Using multiple‐source occurrence data to identify patterns and drivers of decline in arid‐dwelling Australian marsupials
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Ecography. 2015 38(11). p.1090
Home range, habitat use and movements by the little raven (Corvus mellori) in a coastal peri-urban landscape
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Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 2013 109(3-4). p.186
Identifying avian indicators of elevation in the Gondwanan rainforests of Australia
Leach Elliot C., Burwell Chris J., Jones Darryl N., Kitching Roger L.
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Nectarivorous bird assemblages in Box-Ironbark woodlands in the Capertee Valley, New South Wales
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The role of wild birds in the transmission of avian influenza for Australia: an ecological perspective
Tracey John P., Woods Rupert, Roshier David, West Peter, Saunders Glen R.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2004 104(2). p.109
Climate change and bird migration in south-eastern Australia
Smith Peter, Smith Judy
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2012 112(4). p.333
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Towards swarm level optimisation: the role of different movement patterns in swarm systems
Kengyel Daniela, Zahadat Payam, Wotawa Franz, Schmickl Thomas
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems. 2019 34(3). p.241
Age-Dependent Orientation to Magnetically-Simulated Geographic Displacements in Migratory Australian Silvereyes (Zosterops l. lateralis)
Deutschlander Mark E., Phillips John B., Munro Ursula
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology. 2012 124(3). p.467
The Australo-Papuan bird migration system: another consequence of Wallace's Line
Dingle Hugh
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2004 104(2). p.95
Ecological processes: A key element in strategies for nature conservation
Bennett Andrew F., Haslem Angie, Cheal David C., Clarke Michael F., Jones Roger N., Koehn John D., Lake P. Sam, Lumsden Linda F., Lunt Ian D., Mackey Brendan G., Nally Ralph Mac, Menkhorst Peter W., New Tim R., Newell Graeme R., O’Hara Tim, Quinn Gerry P., Radford James Q., Robinson Doug, Watson James E. M., Yen Alan L.
Ecological Management & Restoration. 2009 10(3). p.192
Where nothing stands still: quantifying nomadism in Australian arid-zone birds
Gibson Michelle R., Runge Claire A., Stephens Philip A., Fuller Richard A., Willis Stephen G.
Landscape Ecology. 2022 37(1). p.191
Breeding biology of a migratory Australian passerine, the golden whistler (Pachycephala pectoralis)
van Dongen Wouter F. D., Yocom Larissa L.
Australian Journal of Zoology. 2005 53(4). p.213
Migration, Patchiness, and Population Processes Illustrated by Two Migrant Pests
Cheke Robert A., Tratalos Jamie A.
BioScience. 2007 57(2). p.145
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