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Journal of BirdLife Australia

Articles citing this paper

Egg size, incubation periods and hatching success of Little Penguins, Eudyptula minor

A. Kemp and P. Dann
101(3) pp.249 - 253

32 articles found in Crossref database.

Extreme Intraclutch Egg-Size Dimorphism inEudyptesPenguins, an Evolutionary Response to Clutch-Size Maladaptation
Stein R. Will, Williams Tony D.
The American Naturalist. 2013 182(2). p.260
Calculating egg volume when shape differs: when are equations appropriate?
Boersma P. Dee, Rebstock Ginger A.
Journal of Field Ornithology. 2010 81(4). p.442
Bright and early: artificial light affects arrival time, but not group size or vigilance in Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor)
Iasiello Larissa, Colombelli‐Négrel Diane
Ibis. 2024
Variation in innate immune function during incubation, chick-rearing and moult in Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor)
Evans Jessica K., Dann Peter, Frankel Theresa
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2015 115(1). p.63
Out of sight but not out of mind: corvids prey extensively on eggs of burrow-nesting penguins
Ekanayake Kasun B., Sutherland Duncan R., Dann Peter, Weston Michael A.
Wildlife Research. 2015 42(6). p.509
Reproductive performance of little penguinsEudyptula minorin relation to year, age, pair‐bond duration, breeding date and individual quality
Nisbet Ian C. T., Dann Peter
Journal of Avian Biology. 2009 40(3). p.296
Benefits, costs and trade-offs of nesting habitat selection in Little Penguins
Colombelli-Négrel Diane
Journal of Ornithology. 2019 160(2). p.515
Human activities at night negatively impact Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) numbers and behaviours
Costello Emily C., Colombelli‐Négrel Diane
Ibis. 2023 165(4). p.1378
Post-release breeding success of oil-rehabilitated and non-rehabilitated little blue penguins, Eudyptula minor, following the M/V Rena oil spill, New Zealand
Sievwright Karin A., Battley Phil F., McConnell Helen M., Chilvers B. Louise, Morgan Kerri J.
Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2019 149 p.110553
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Szymański Wojciech, Stolarczyk Mateusz, Zwolicki Adrian, Zmudczyńska-Skarbek Katarzyna, Stempniewicz Lech
Polar Biology. 2024 47(9). p.873
The importance of fine-scale landscape characteristics for habitat selection in penguins
Colombelli-Négrel Diane, Iasiello Larissa
Biodiversity and Conservation. 2023 32(4). p.1369
Noisy neighbours: effects of construction noises on nesting seabirds
Iasiello Larissa, Colombelli-Négrel Diane, Davidson Nicholas
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2023 74(7). p.573
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Ancel André, Beaulieu Michaël, Gilbert Caroline
Comptes Rendus. Biologies. 2013 336(1). p.1
Poorer breeding by little penguins near Perth, Western Australia is correlated with above average sea surface temperatures and a stronger Leeuwin Current
Cannell Belinda L., Chambers Lynda E., Wooller Ron D., Bradley J. Stuart
Marine and Freshwater Research. 2012 63(10). p.914
Corvids congregate to breeding colonies of a burrow-nesting seabird
Ekanayake Kasun B., Weston Michael A., Dann Peter, Sutherland Duncan R.
Austral Ecology. 2016 41(3). p.291
Behavioural and heart rate responses to stressors in two populations of Little Penguins that differ in levels of human disturbance and predation risk
Schaefer Rebecca, Colombelli‐Négrel Diane
Ibis. 2021 163(3). p.858
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Little penguins are more aggressive on islands that experience greater unregulated human disturbance
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Population regulation in Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor): the role of intraspecific competition for nesting sites and food during breeding
Dann Peter, Norman F. I.
Emu - Austral Ornithology. 2006 106(4). p.289
Breeding success in Southern Australian Little Penguins is negatively correlated with high wind speeds and sea surface temperatures
Johnson Bianca, Colombelli-Négrel Diane
Ornithological Applications. 2021 123(1).
The effect of body condition on the timing and success of breeding in Little Penguins Eudyptula minor
Ibis. 2005 147(3). p.483
Comparison of New Zealand’s little blue penguins, Eudyptula minor, diving behaviour
Chilvers B. Louise
Polar Biology. 2017 40(10). p.1965
Breeding biology and breeding success of the blue penguin (Eudyptula minor) on the West Coast of New Zealand's South Island
Heber Sol, Wilson Kerry‐Jayne, Molles Laura
New Zealand Journal of Zoology. 2008 35(1). p.63
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Agnew Philippa, Houston David M.
Wildlife Research. 2020 47(4). p.349
Intraclutch Egg-Size Variation in Magellanic Penguins
Rafferty Nicole E., Boersma P. Dee, Rebstock Ginger A.
The Condor. 2005 107(4). p.921
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Functional Ecology. 2014 28(3). p.755
Variation in reproductive performance of Little Penguins (Eudyptula minor) attributable to double brooding
Agnew Philippa, Houston Dave, Lalas Chris, Wright Janine
Journal of Ornithology. 2014 155(1). p.101
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Evaluation of artificial nest sites for long-term conservation of a burrow-nesting seabird
Sutherland Duncan R., Dann Peter, Jessop Rosalind E.
The Journal of Wildlife Management. 2014 78(8). p.1415
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